Saturday, December 2, 2017

Stacking the Shelves [2]

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. This meme is for sharing all the books you’ve added to your shelves throughout the week.

The family and I have been ridiculously sick since Thanksgiving. I'll spare you the gory details. 😰 I'm just lucky my husband was off and able to watch the kiddos (who were also sick). In sickness and in health, right? I still feel miserable. I wasn't able to eat for over 48 hours. I couldn't even keep water down. WATER. Anyways...

The Winter King by C.L. Wilson
The Sea King by C.L. Wilson
King by T.M. Frazier

Library Basement (BookCellar):
On the Hunt by Gena Showalter, Shannon K. Butcher, Jessica Andersen, Deidre Knight
Immortally Ever After by Angie Fox
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro

#TBTBSanta ( @eli2squared )
Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong
Seven Black Diamonds by Melissa Marr
Uprooted by Naomi Novik

Where I Found You by Heidi R. Kling

I'm so excited about my #TBTBSanta books! Thank you Eli! I'm so happy you included one of your favorites, too. I love the synopsis!

I was really surprised when I received a random copy of Where I Found You on NetGalley! 💕 I added it to my Wish List and just got incredibly lucky! Whoo!


  1. Sorry you’ve been sick. That’s no fun. Looks like lots of good books coming in though.

    1. Thanks! Everyone is feeling better now. We're slowing getting over it as I obsessively sanitize and clean everything, lol. The books have been a great help!

  2. Oh no! It sounds like that could have been a norovirus. I hope you're all feeling better! <3

    1. We are! Luckily J and I didn't have it at the same time, so one of us was well enough to take care of the sick kiddos.

  3. Sorry you were sick. It's that time of year for it. Hope everyone is feeling better. I've been dying to read "A Study in Charlotte" and have owned "Uprooted" for almost a year now and STILL haven't read it. I love the books you've acquired this week!

    1. I love Sherlock Holmes, and I thought this was an interesting take on the story! My Secret Santa said UPROOTED was one of her favorites, so I'm excited to read that as well.

  4. Being sick is the worst, and being the sick mom of a sick family is even worse. I loved A Study in Charlotte and really need to continue that series.

    1. Agreed. Moms can't lay in bed and feel pitiful when they have to take care of others.

      I didn't know it was a series! I just skimmed the blurb on the back.

  5. Ack that sounds awful, sorry to hear you were sick. Hope everyone is feeling better now.

    Sea of Shadows looks good, I am becoming quite the Kelley Armstrong fan the more of her stuff I try.

    1. Thank you! Everyone is much better now!

      I've always been a fan of Kelley Armstrong! I've been meaning to catch up on her books, but it's so hard to get to everything I want to. I'm sure you understand!

    2. What have you read by her so far?


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless