Friday, August 31, 2018

DNF&Y [8]

DNF&Y is used to explain why I gave up on certain books, and what about them just didn't work for me. What I disliked about a book might be something you love, so it helps to share your thoughts even when they're negative! If you would like additional information, please click on the DNF&Y tab at the top. If you want to join, you can link up at the bottom!

I didn't DNF any books this month! Whoop! It means I liked everything enough to keep going, so yay for that. In fact, there were a lot of really wonderful August reads for me. A few that stand out are Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch, Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins, Royally Matched by Emma Chase, The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Sadie by Courtney Summers.

Have you had a good reading month? What was your favorite August read? Let me know!

*Share your DNF&Y post! Please leave the direct link to your DNF&Y post and not just your blog's URL. Thank you for participating and happy reading! 

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  1. I DNFed one but because it was a zombie apocalypse book but not an original one and I didn't want something like that

    1. You didn't want something that wasn't original, or you didn't want a zombie apocalypse book? I've never been a fan of zombie books, but I loved The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. Have you tried that one?

  2. There was this one audio I just gave up on, I fell asleep and missed like 2 hours and did not care, then I knew it was time to just leave it

    1. Haha! I've fallen asleep listening to audiobooks before, but I always go back and rewind them. If you didn't care about missing two hours, I would assume you didn't feel very invested in the story. Sorry it didn't work out!

  3. This month was hit and miss, I think I gave up on a few. I DNF The Shellseekers and something else, can’t remember now. At least I have learned to not finish instead of slogging through.

    1. Hmm... I haven't heard of The Shellseekers. I'm sorry it didn't work for you!

      Yes! I used to finish every book no matter what, and it really had a negative impact on my reading. I stopped reading for enjoyment and felt like I was doing it because I had to. It was miserable. Once I started letting books go that didn't interest me, I started loving reading again. It meant I was only reading the books that grabbed me and left me feeling something at the end. Glad you're able to do that too!

  4. Wahoo, congrats on having some solid reads! I DNF'd The Awkward Path to Getting Lucky because the MC blurted out everything that came to mind and it got cringey.

    1. Ack! I think that would bother me, too. I get that some people don't have a filter when it comes to what they say, but blurting out every thought seems excessive. That title sounds familiar, so thanks for sharing why it didn't work for you. :)

  5. I hate DNFing a book. I use to read them all no matter what but then I realized I was sort of punishing myself by making myself read something I didn't like and it ruined reading for me so now I will stop reading them even though I still feel guilty doing it, especially if it's an ARC.

    1. Same! I've stopped feeling as guilty, but I'm so much happier overall. Now I keep reading something because I want to and I'm invested in the story. I don't want to read something that I'm having to force myself to focus on. When I did that, I read less and enjoyed very little. Now every book I finish is one I wanted to continue reading. <3

  6. Good job on not DNFing anything lately! I definitely did put a few ARCs aside. Black Wings Beating was one I couldn't force myself to read more than a few chapters of. :/

    1. Bummer! But it happens, right? It's impossible to like everything -- that's why there is such a variety! I always donate the ARCs I didn't enjoy, or give them to friends/fellow bloggers that might like them.

  7. Yay for no DNF's! I really liked Love & Gelato, and Sadie is on my list to read .

    1. Have you had a chance to read Love & Luck yet?? I've already ordered a physical copy, but I'm waiting on an audiobook -- really enjoyed the first one and wanted a similar experience.

      I think you're going to appreciate Sadie. It's written incredibly well, and the story is dark and compelling. It was so hard to put down!

    2. I have not read Love & Luck yet! I hope to soon... I have a few books ahead of it though, I think. I'm so behind...

      I imagine I will like Sadie. I've only read two Courtney Summers books (one was a novella) but they made a BIG impression on me.

    3. September snuck up on me, and I feel like all the books I have for review are being published on the same day. I've been reading nonstop to try and squeeze them all in, but there's only so much time in a day. I also won't let reading interfere with time I spend with my kiddos.

      Sadie definitely left a mark on my soul.

  8. Hooray, no DNFs! Always a great feeling to have. I can't say the same for myself though, because I JUST DNFed earlier today. 😂

    1. Hah! It happens to the best of us. ;) Maybe next month...??

      If you decide to write a review for it, you should totally link up to this post!

  9. That's awesome. I almost always finish the books I start. I just have to see if it gets better. lol

    1. I love how optimistic you are! There's always a chance a book can improve, but there's also a chance that it will not. I'd rather know something isn't working and cut my losses, but that's me. I'm sure you've been pleasantly surprised many times. <3

  10. This was a pretty good month with DNFs of two books I hadn't expected to like-one based on tropes and the other on the mixed reviews of it. Maybe this means I'm learning to pick more things that I'll like now!

    1. It's a great feeling when we only choose books we end up enjoying! Occasionally, it doesn't work out, but that's life. Two DNFs isn't bad at all! Congrats. :)

  11. I DNFed Eleanor Oliphant again. I tried to read it, and thought it was my mental state, that was making it not work for me, but I tried it again, and I just can't push through this really sad part to get to where I assume it gets more upbeat. I read 39 other books though, and most were good, with one 5-star read.

    1. I've never tried to read Eleanor Oliphant, but I have heard of it. There have been a few times I thought I wasn't enjoying a book because I simply wasn't in the mood for it, but then it doesn't work out when I try again. I think those might be the books we want to like, but cannot continue for one reason or another.

      39 books?? Nice! I think I had one or two 5-star reads this month. <3

  12. I haven't had a dnf for a month or two. I had a couple of audiobooks that I wasn't cliking with in the first half hour or so and decided to move on to something else but I will get back to those.

    1. Sometimes we just need to step away for a little bit! I've done that many times... I'll grab something on a whim, but decide I'm not in the mood for it. There's nothing wrong with the book per se, I just need to wait and try again later. I hope you really enjoy them when you go back!

  13. My favorite would probably have to be Renegades by Marissa Meyer!

    1. I enjoyed Renegades! I didn't feel a strong connection to the characters, but I think it's because Meyer was trying to set up her world within the first book. I'm hoping that the next one allows for more relatable characters (at least for me). I do love the concept -- how I sympathize with villains and heroes. There are bad apples on both sides, too.

  14. My favorite for August is The Benefits of Being An Octopus. 🐙 Great YA book. It is one of my favorites for the year! ❤️

    1. I just added it to my TBR on Goodreads! It sounds like it's going to be a very emotional read -- so I'll probably wait on reading it. I've read a lot of soul-crushing books the last two weeks, and my emotions cannot take much more abuse. Thanks for sharing this! :)


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless