Monday, October 1, 2018

State of the ARC [5]

This is a relatively new meme started over at Avalinah’s Books for tracking your ARC progress. I actually really love this idea and think it will help me better manage my current reads! 

At the end of September 2018:
Illusions by Madeline J. Reynolds (publisher via NetGalley)
War of the Wilted (Garden of Thorns, #2) by Amber Mitchell (publisher via NetGalley)
Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield (NetGalley)
Star Wars: Lando's Luck by Justina Ireland, Annie Wu (Illustrator) (publisher, blog tour)

Me and Me by Alice Kuipers (publisher, blog tour)
Shadow of the Fox (Shadow of the Fox, #1) by Julie Kagawa (gifted)
Muse of Nightmares (Strange the Dreamer, #2) by Laini Taylor (publisher)
The Last Wish of Sasha Cade by Cheyanne Young (publisher, blog tour)

Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak (won a giveaway!)

I am currently reading Julie Kagawa's Shadow of the Fox, and it's perfection! It's everything I expect from a Kagawa book and more. I love the setting and the characters, their story -- ahhh. You need this book in your life. 

I randomly received Muse of Nightmares, so I've been listening to the audiobook for Strange the Dreamer. I've been struggling with it, because I feel like he's been in the library FOREVER. Does it get better? Does the pace start to pick up soon? I know a lot of people love this series, so please lay down your pitchforks and torches. I haven't given up on it yet, just pausing for a day or two. I love the complex world Taylor has created, but I don't like feeling like the characters are stuck. Have you read Strange the Dreamer? What were your thoughts? Feel free to link to your reviews so I can check them out!

Me and Me is another book I've been sloshing through. I'm finding it hard to relate to the main character and the reasons behind her choices. I thought it was going to be sad, but it's more frustrating than anything else. If you think it's a book you might like, there's a giveaway for it here

Don't forget to enter the giveaway for Star Wars: Lando's Luck! You can find it here. I haven't started it yet, but I'm really excited to! I might have to hide it from my son and husband, because I know they're jonesing for it as well.

Update from previous the State of the ARC:
Unfortunately, these were all DNFs for me. If you want to know why, check out my DNF&Y post from yesterday! At least I was able to knock them off my list. Slowly, so slowly, I'm making progress through the backlog of ARCs. I'm really close to being completely caught up! I want to start the New Year with a clean page -- hah!

What are you reading right now? Are you enjoying it? Should I read it??


  1. that's nice. Many intriguing ones!

    1. I thought it was a lovely mix this month! I can't wait to see what each book has to offer. <3

  2. Sounds like some fun ones. I didn’t really like the Laini Taylor books I read so I don’t think I’ll try her new series. I hope something grabs you and holds your attention.

    1. I've only read The Daughter of Smoke and Bone, which I enjoyed immensely, but I'm having a hard time losing myself in Strange the Dreamer. I'm finishing the audiobook for Wild Robot, and then I'm going to try picking it back up.

  3. Oh I want to read Shadow of the Fox and Muse of Nightmares! Jelly here! :) Cannot wait to dive into those. As for Strange the Dreamer... try reading instead of audio? Sometimes it doesn't work for me in one format but does in another. Her stuff can be a bit trippy so that may help. :)

    1. Shadow of the Fox has been amazing so far -- but not in the way I was expecting! Love it! Someone else recommended I try a physical copy instead of the audio, so that's what I'll probably do. I was going to see if things picked up once he left he library. If not, I'll see if my library has a physical copy I can borrow. Thanks for the tip!

  4. I'm eager to read Shadow of the Fox. Unfortunately I didn't manage to find an ARC. Come see my State of the Stack here. Happy reading!

    1. A friend of mine went to ALA this year and managed to snag a copy for me! I'm just lucky I have good friends. <3

  5. YESSSSS I am reading Shadow of the Fox right now and enjoy it so far! Definitely enjoy it more than some of her other books, so I'm excited for the rest of the series, too!

    1. It's so good!! The Iron Fey series is one of my all-time favorites, but this one might be a close second... It's hard to beat perfection. ;) I've enjoyed her vampire series, too. The Talon books were okay, and I like them, but they didn't have the same impact. Glad you're enjoying it!

  6. I've been hearing good things about Shadow of the Fox. And that cover!

    1. I'm loving it! I wanted to read it sooner, so I could post a review for it today (its release day), but I participated in a lot of blog tours last week! I'm hoping to finish it over the next two days, though. Maybe tonight!

  7. Sorry about all the DNFs, but it happens! I'm so curious about Bridge of Clay - hope it's a good one. I really want to read Strange the Dreamer, but don't worry, I've heard it's a bit slow in the beginning. You're right, tons of people love it though, so we'll see! LOL


    1. Good to know! I'm not giving up on it yet, just wondering if the guy ever leaves the library. I understand the author is building a foundation and setting up the story, but there is quite a bit of world-building in the first quarter of the book. It makes it feel slow!

      I was surprised I won a copy of Bridge of Clay! I entered a giveaway on a whim, and a few weeks later received a copy in the mail. :)

  8. I haven't read it but glad to you know you're enjoying it.

    1. Shadow of the Fox? Thanks! It's fantastic! :)

  9. Love Kagawa, and her new book sounds amazing. Glad to hear you are enjoying it.

    1. Which is your favorite Kagawa? The Iron Fey will forever be my favorite, but this one might be close... <3

  10. Haha Lando's Luck sounds like it's rather popular at your house. :) And yay for the Kagawa book!

    1. I'm excited to start it, but I'm still waiting on it... I was supposed to review it for a blog tour, but Disney is having warehouse issues. They're really backed up, so there have been a few delays regarding books. It should be here soon, and I'll make sure I hide it from everyone else until I've had a chance to read it! ;)

  11. The first quarter of Strange The Dreamer was a real struggle for me too. I wasn't fully understanding of what was going on and I realised I liked Lazlo's point of view so much more. Once he reaches the city though it really begins to pick up, it just takes a little while to get there so try to stay with it for a little while longer if you can. I'm dying to read Shadow of The Fox! I'm a massive Kagawa fan and adored her Immortal Rules series. I can't wait to see what you think of it Linds! I wanted to join the State of ARC but with over forty review copies currently, it's depressing. Going to join next year once I have my TBR under control.

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I'll keep listening to Strange the Dreamer until he reaches the other city. I trust your judgment!

      Shadow of the Fox is amazing! I'm a huge Kagawa fan as well, and was lucky enough to get an early copy of this one. A friend of mine attended ALA and snagged it for me. <3 Her Iron Fey series is my favorite, though I loved the Immortal Rules series, too. Shadow of the Fox might surpass them all... maybe. I'm awfully attached to The Iron Fey, haha.

      40 is an insane number! I've been whittling mine down every month, but I have to force myself not to request too many books. I've been pretty good about it, but it's hard!

  12. So many of the covers look pretty!!

  13. I have Once Upon a River, too. Did you read The Thirteenth Tale? I loved it. I have Bellman and Black to read, but the readers who liked TTT didn't seem to like it. 📚

    1. I haven't read The Thirteenth Tale or Bellman and Black! I'm actually unfamiliar with both titles, but I'll look them up later. I'm hoping to start Once Upon a River soon! :)


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless