Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Sunday Post [5]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.


I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving! I haven't always been the best cook, but my husband is amazing. Jacob always has an elaborate meal planned for the holiday, and I cannot wait to see what he makes this year -- mmm! I can contribute now that I'm a semi-decent cook, but I usually stick to baking. Carrot cake cupcakes, peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, a blueberry crumble... 

My kids have been sick this week, so I haven't been able to participate in the HoHoHo Readathon as much as I'd originally planned. I've only finished one book, but I'm halfway through two others (one audio and one physical). Hopefully I'll be able to finish them both before the end of the readathon. Three books is better than one! But that's life -- you never know what's going to happen! The kids are feeling better now, but they still have their coughs and the sniffles.

Previous week on the blog:

Monday: Snowed In by Rachel Hawthorne ⋆⋆
Tuesday: Mini Reviews [19] (The Greatest Love Story Ever Told by Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman ⋆⋆⋆⋆, The Night Knights by Gideon Sterer, Cory Godbey (Illustrator) ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆, The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson, Rafael Lopez (Illustrator) ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆, Shades of Magic #1 The Steel Prince by V.E. Schwab, Andrea Olimpieri and Enrica Angiolni (Illustrators) ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆)
Thursday: Twilight of the Elves (The Adventures Guild, #2) by Zack Loran Clark, Nick Eliopulos [Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway] ⋆⋆⋆⋆
Friday: She Did It! & Little Dreamers [Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway] ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ | ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
Saturday: Nothing!

What I'm currently reading:

Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow (Nevermoor, #2) by Jessica Townsend
The Bear and the Nightingale (Winternight Trilogy, #1) by Katherine Arden
Moonlight Over Manhattan (From Manhattan with Love, #6) by Sarah Morgan

I'm really enjoying all of my current reads right now! Moonlight Over Manhattan and The Bear and the Nightingale are two of my #HoHoHoRAT reads, so hopefully I'll finish them in time!

What I plan on reading next:

Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2) by Ilona Andrews 
Furyborn (Empirium, #1) by Claire Legrand
Wilder by Andrew Simonet

I am really looking forward to Magic Burns! I devoured the first book and have been jonesing to dive back into the world Ilona Andrews created. I'm still confused about the lion on the cover, because Kate describes Curran has being so much more than that -- bigger for one thing, and the coloring is different.

What I'm watching:

Jacob and I are still working our way through S3 of Daredevil and S1 of The Good Place. On my own I've started watching Bitten. It's based on a book series by Kelley Armstrong, and it is incredibly violent! It's basically nonstop killing and torture with some steamy sex scenes thrown in. Despite the gore, I'm enjoying the storyline. S2 had witches and I just recently started S3 (each season only has 10-13 episodes, so they're not long). I believe they only made three seasons for this show, so I'm curious how everything will play out!

Challenge updates:

Goodreads: 391 / 250

What have you been reading? Are you participating in any challenges this year? Do you have big plans for Thanksgiving? I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Today is the last day of the readathon, but I'm sure she'll do it again next year! You can always check out the Caffeinated Reviewer for more readathons and fun events. I believe Kimberly is doing one for Black Friday!

  2. Have a great Thanksgiving! I'm looking forward to all the feasting as well. :) And peanut butter choc chip cookies... mm that sounds good!

    I think I started Bitten once when I first got Netflix, but it's been a while. I should go back and take another look at it the next time I need a new show to watch...

    1. I have always enjoyed baking, but it's also something I do when I'm stressed or need time with my thoughts. It usually means we have something sweet to eat at least once a week! ;)

      Last night I made double chocolate chip cookies because I'm anxious about traveling to see family for Thanksgiving. The girls are almost two, and they don't do well with long car rides. I'm sure it will be okay, but I don't like the idea of strapping them into a car and them wanting out after 15 minutes.

      Bitten is a good show, but it's not AMAZING, you know? Also, don't get too attached to anyone!

    2. Ooh yummy! Good luck with the traveling- I get the anxiety part. I love seeing family but not always the traveling bit. One year we had our niece with us for Christmas and on the way home (2 hour drive) she threw up multiple times- I don't know how many times we stopped but it was awful and took half the night to get home lol. That poor kid was so sick!

    3. That sounds terrible! My in-laws came to visit one year and brought my sister-in-laws kid... she was barely two, and my in-laws said she screamed the entire four hours to our house. I would have been absolutely miserable! My kids aren't awful, but they make it clear they don't want to be in the car. I'm so sorry you went through that! I cannot imagine dealing with child vomit while trying to drive.

  3. Ah, I hope you're enjoying The Bear and the Nightingale!! :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. I'm liking it so far, but I'm still not sure where the story is going to go. She just encountered the man under the tree, and now he father and two older brothers are traveling to meet the prince. There's a lot going on, and I haven't figured out how everything is going to come together. Although I'm very curious!

  4. Thanksgiving is my favorite and I can't wait! You are lucky your husband is a good cook. Hope your kids feel better soon. Enjoy your reads and have a great week!

    1. My husband was appalled by my diet when we first met! My apartment was full of foods that could be microwaved or popped into the oven. I don't think I owned very many pots and pans! Slowly, I started helping him in the kitchen and trying things on my own, so I'm not helpless anymore. Once we had a kid, I decided that I needed to be more self-sufficient so we'd have a healthier lifestyle. We had already made the decision to live a vegan lifestyle, but I was still so-so in the kitchen. Now I can hold my own! However, it is nice to just let him take over dinner every once in awhile. I don't let him do it often, because he makes a HUGE mess and doesn't clean as he goes. ;)

  5. I need to look for The Bear and the Nightingale. It looks great!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I'm enjoying the story so far! I'm still not sure where the author is going with everything, but I'm anxious to find out! The audio has been great, especially since there have been a lot of words I wouldn't know how to pronounce. ;)

  6. My husband is definitely the better cook in our house, too. We had Thanksgiving with his family yesterday and he made everything except the stuffing, which is my specialty. :-)

    1. I love that my husband can cook! Now that he's the only one working, I've taken over more of the dinner responsibilities. I didn't want him working all day and then coming home to more work (even though he loves cooking). He still goes crazy most weekends, though. He's off this Thanksgiving, so he's already planning a complex meal. We'll see family that morning, but we'll have dinner together at home. While our families know we're vegan, they're not always sure what we can and cannot eat. We tell them not to worry about it and just do our own thing later. <3

  7. OK NOW I WANT TO BORROW JACOB AGAIN. Or preferably steal him. Beware! 😈 😂 Oh, and happy thanksgiving!

    Little kids are always sick, aren't they? Also, I suppose that, with three of them, everything one of them catches does a full round before it goes away LOL. I hope you get some respite...though now winter has kicked in, so I guess it's wishful thinking!

    1. You can't have him! ;)

      I'm not sure if Jacob is bringing germs home from work, or if the kids are picking them up when we go somewhere. Germs are unavoidable! We just hope they don't stay stick for very long, and that it's nothing serious. They're already feeling better! If one gets sick, they all do.

  8. Sorry to hear that your kids were sick! And my husband can't re heat a pizze without burning it so ...he leaves me the cooking LOL Enjoy Furyborn! Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. Haha! I could at least use a microwave and an oven, so I wasn't hopeless. ;)

      Have you read Furyborn? What did you think?

  9. When you have kids you just never know what will happen. Glad they are feeling better. Everyone is coming over to my place for Thanksgiving. Good thing I like to cook.

    1. Thank you! I'm sure you're excited to have everyone over for Thanksgiving! I love it when family and friends get together. It's one of the few times we get to play adult board games, haha. Right now it's Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. <3

  10. Thanksgiving's my favorite holiday, and I am planning a feast for myself since I decided to not go visit home until late December. Hope you have a good holiday and your kiddos are better

    1. Feast away! It's means you're guaranteed leftovers (always a bonus). Sometimes it's hard to see family as often as we'd like, because school and work always play a role. My husband is on call this year, so it complicates things a little.

      My kids are already feeling better! I hope your solo-Thanksgiving is enjoyable and delicious. :)

  11. Um can we share Jacob? My poor husband can't cook to save his life. haha. Have a great Thanksgiving!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

    1. We cannot! I need him here to help with the kids, haha. They're insane these days! Twins that will be two... eeep! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! <3

  12. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. I LOVE LOVE food and eating food. I can't wait to see what you think of Furyborn. I've heard so much about it!

    Elle Inked @ Keep on Reading

    1. I love all the little side dishes, like sweet potato casserole and potato salad! I'm really looking forward to Furyborn and cannot wait to share my thoughts. <3

  13. Sorry to hear all the tots are sick. I hope they are all 100% for the holiday. Thanksgiving is not my favorite eating holiday, but it's nice to spend time with my daughter again. Your baked goods all sound delicious! Hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. They're already feeling better! I'm sure they'll be fine by Thursday. I didn't always like Thanksgiving... I was the victim of food poisoning one year, and it still haunts me. It was only when Jacob and I chose a vegan lifestyle that I started looking forward to it again. He's just so talented with food! He can make the BEST vegan Rubens -- yum!

      I hope you have a lovely time with your daughter! Is she the one that helps out with your blog designs? I am addicted to baked goods, and I'm willing to try anything once. I still haven't found a vegan lemon square recipe that I like, so it's a work-in-progress.

      I hope you have a fantastic week!

  14. That sounds amazing! I wish my husband liked to cook. We actually both dislike doing it, so it's not a great situation - haha! It would be lovely to have someone to cook for me!

    Sorry your kids have been sick! Ugh - hate it when kiddos are sick :(

    1. Ohhh, you both don't like to cook? I guess you can always order a pizza! ;)

  15. I need to find someone who can cook for me. LOL I'd be down for your desserts though. ;)
    I'm glad your kids are starting to feel better! I hope you were able to get some more Christmas reads in.


    1. Negative on the wintery reads, but I think that's for the best. The two I was able to finish really didn't work out, so I was getting a little bummed. However, I'm really enjoying my two current reads, so everything worked out!

      Desserts and sweets do not last long in our house. My chocolate chip cookies disappeared in a few hours! I woke up craving some chocolate, only to find my husband had eaten the leftovers as a midnight snack.

  16. I didn't realize they made 3 seasons of the Armstrong series. I read the whole thing but didn't watch any of it.

    Let me know what you think of Wilder. I started it but couldn't get into it so I dnf'd. Tell me if I should reconsider lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I'm 12% into it and have no desire to continue. Both of the main characters are unlikable and are driving me insane. I'm also not entirely sure what the story is supposed to be about... I feel like I should give it another chapter or two, but gah. It's just not clicking for me.

      I think the third season of Bitten is the final season! I would have to double check... <3

  17. You are lucky to have someone who can cook for you, I guess. I hope your kids get better this week.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. I am lucky! My husband loves to cook for himself and our family, but we take turns! If he's off or gets home early, he might cook dinner. Otherwise, I usually have something ready when he gets home. We're a good team and love cooking together when we can.

      My kids are already feeling better! They have a lingering cough, but it's not as bad as it was.

  18. I went wild with the HoHoHoRAT (reading 15) and have not done well with Read A Series in a Month.

    Yay for Ilona Andrews. I burned through the ones available at the time I found the series in a couple days. I also like Bear and the Nightingale, but the next one is even better!
    I'm reading stuff for the first week of December but somehow I scheduled myself for 3 audio reviews for next week. I have to get going on those shortly!
    Happy Thanksgiving! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. 15?! Wow! I'm impressed! I only managed to read two books, and I DNFd one. Snowed In was one I didn't care for, but I thought The Bear and the Nightingale was beautiful. <3

      Read a Series in a Month sounds challenging! Who hosts that? I'm already halfway through with Magic Burns -- I just can't turn it off!

      Good luck with your audio reviews, and enjoy your Thanksgiving!


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless