Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Sunday Post [9]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.


Ugh! I never want to move again! It took me and my husband two full days to load the moving truck by ourselves. It was miserable work, and the kids were more than a little stir-crazy. We had to pack all of their toys before we could move them, so they were bored quickly and fussy often. When we were finally on the road, I popped in an audiobook, they fell asleep, and I enjoyed sitting down after being on my feet for two solid days. Thankfully, we had family waiting at the new house to help us unload everything, so it didn't take nearly as long to get things put away.

Once we were unpacked, I thought things would calm down and we'd settle into a new routine, but I was very wrong. The house we're renting hasn't been used in awhile, so the water pipes were buried. When I tried to do a load of laundry, the pipes overflowed back into the house. It flooded the utility room and the downstairs area. It took two visits from the plumber, and a few more from the landlord, to finally solve the problem.
Next issue: ants. It has been raining the last few days, so the massive leafeater ants in the yard have tried to take over the house. We're being invaded! These are the largest ants I have ever seen, and their bodies are ridiculously sturdy. My children have made a game out of it, which is basically them screaming and running whenever one of them discovers and ant in the house. Then they pretend to be ants themselves and won't stop until I pretend to spray them with my invisible bug spray (have I mentioned how much I love my kids?).
There are a few other things I'll have to get used to, like the sandy areas in the backyard (it's like living on the beach with dogs and kids going in and out), a tin roof (love the sound of rain pinging on the top), family that can pop in whenever they feel like it (still not sure how I feel about this), and grocery stores that are not as vegan-friendly. The closest store that carries my coffee creamer is 45 miles away.

I know it sounds like I'm complaining a lot, but we really do like our new house! The area is lovely, and there are a lot of wooded areas for us to explore. Having family close by is different but nice! They might pop in without calling, but we can also get together on short notice. I'm still trying to catch up on my reading and blogging that I missed, but I'll get there eventually. We still have some things to wrap up with the old house, and I look forward to putting that behind us.
Previous week on the blog:

Sunday: Nothing!
Monday: DNF&Y [12]
Thursday: Circe by Madeline Miller ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
Saturday: Nothing! 

What I'm currently reading:
I've been impatiently waiting for the Magic Strikes audiobook to be available at my library, and it's finally here! I'm really enjoying this series, and I cannot wait to see what trouble Kate finds herself in this time. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that something romantic happens between Kate and Curran, because it has been a slow burn since the first book! They challenge each other, and it's been fun watching them dance back and forth.

The Wicked King is another book I started recently, and I am thoroughly enjoying being back in Black's magical world. The first book ended with a twist, and I have a feeling this one is going to leave me wanting more. This is another book that has placed the romance in the back seat, so I'm going to need Jude and Cardan to play nice and admit their weird feelings. I like my books to have a little kissing! ;)

I'm only a few pages into Two Can Keep a Secret, but I have a good feeling about this one. I've heard there are a lot of unexpected twists and turns, which I love, and I'm anxiously awaiting the ending. I've skimmed other reviews, and they've all vaguely mentioned how awesome and unpredictable everything is.

What I plan on reading next: 
I already have Magic Bleeds queued up and ready to go, and The Gilded Wolves is one I've been looking forward to for awhile now -- yay! I love it when I'm excited about the books I'm reading.

What I'm watching:

I'm still working my way through the final season of Fairy Tail, and Jacob and I are finally making progress with S3 of Daredevil. We're both really bummed that S4 was cancelled on Netflix, but supposedly Disney is picking up all of the Marvel shows for their new streaming service (which is incredibly aggravating). I don't think Riverdale has started back up yet, but that's another show I'll be watching in the near future. I keep telling Roberta that I'll start Dr. Who, but I just haven't had the time!

Challenge updates:

Discussion Challenge: 0 / 20

Phew! That was a long post! What have you guys been up to? Did I miss anything in the last two weeks? Let me know!


  1. Omg you are NOT complaining to much!
    Ant invasion!
    Flooded house!
    Complain away

    1. Haha! The ants keep marching on! We've sprayed inside and out, but they're resilient. Seriously massive, which is somewhat terrifying, but we're trying to contain them. There were people out at the house today with heavy duty bug deterrent, so hopefully that works. The flooded house was a big issue, because we do a lot of laundry! Three kids are messy and we also use cloth diapers. Being able to wash things is a necessity! It's all one big adventure, right? ;)

  2. Oh no sorry to hear about the flooding and the ants! Ants are such a pain. I have little use for them lol.

    I can't wait to read Two Can Keep A Secret. I liked her first book a lot, and have high hopes for this one.

    I love Riverdale as quirky as it gets!

    1. I know ants serve a greater purpose, but aargh! They are so frustrating when they try to come inside. Mosquitos, ticks and cockroaches? Destroy them all!

      I haven't read her first book, but I'm really enjoying Two Can Keep a Secret right now! Riverdale is an addiction, hah! I really hope the paranormal twists are coming...

  3. I loved reading about your week and the entire episode was funny. I know I should not be laughing but I am. I hope you settle in soon!

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Hah! I didn't even include the story about the dog fight I had to break up (a stray attacked my dog on the way to the mailbox), and the finger I almost lost. I thought those pictures would be too gruesome! It's been quite the week at our new house -- ugh. I'm glad it was able to make you laugh. ;)

  4. Oh my gosh, what a week! Definitely an adjustment period with the family being closer and the grocery stores. But the house issues... what a nightmare! The water pipes, and those ants - GAH! Those ants look like they're on steroids. On the plus side, that photo of the sunset is simply stunning! It'll be easy to get used to views like that. I have The Wicked Kind on hold at the library but I think I'll probably use an Audible credit and go the listening route. The audio version totally worked for me with the first book.

    1. Instead of our families living a few states away, they're across town and one town over. We're not going to live her long, so I'm already dreading another move, but we'll definitely hire movers next time! We've used them in the past, and I guess I didn't realize how much work they actually did.

      The ants are insane! They're massive and ridiculously hard to kill just by normal squishing methods. The bodies are too hard. It has been nice living away from the city, and I enjoy having open space and being able to see the stars. I think it's wonderful for the kids and the dogs, too.

      I didn't listen to the audiobook for The Cruel Prince, but I'm happy to hear it was good! Hopefully you'll enjoy The Wicked King as much as I am! Jude and Cardan are all over the place, and I really want more of a romance in this one. *fingers crossed*

  5. Are those...ants???!!!??? Because after all those Doctor Who episodes I saw, I thought they might be aliens trying to invade Earth!!! You know, the kind of aliens who looks like insects and are huge like a human. Add the pipes disaster to it and...OMG. What a welcome into your new house! I hope the ant problem was just a matter of the house being abandoned for a while, so they had time to regroup...but those stupid things are SO resilient. Good luck with them!

    You probably need to set some boundaries from the start LOL. Having your family near is nice and all, but no one should feel like they can pop in without even asking...

    Quote: "I keep telling Roberta that I'll start Dr. Who, but I just haven't had the time!"
    Haha, I only started watching it two years ago and had 9 seasons to catch up with, so you'll manage to as well one day! They're very short seasons too (usually 13 episodes, plus a few specials thrown in there), so it's not that intimidating.

    1. Yes! Ants! That was just one of many, and it had managed to climb up the side of the dryer. There were others scurrying around by my feet, and it was hard to take a picture without wanting to run away screaming, haha. They are ridiculously resilient, so I'm hoping the outdoor treatment decreases their numbers.

      I know our families mean well, and they haven't lived close to their grandchildren before, so it's a new experience for everyone. We'll figure it out! I like my solitude too much to give it up -- even for family. ;)

      I'm going to watch it! Swear! <3

    2. Not that I'm pushy about it LOL.

  6. Moving really is miserable. Every time I have moved, I have scaled down my belongings more and more, so if I pick up and go again, it will be easier. Doing it with three little ones cannot be easy. It sounds like you live out in the sticks. I grew up in Brooklyn, and refuse to live too far from stores and what not. Maybe you can order some of those hard to find items from Amazon. They have that market thing, no? Good luck in your new home. I hope you are settled and back to your routine quickly

    1. I honestly don't mind the unpacking part of moving, but haaaate everything else. It's just so inconvenient and tiring. Trying to move with the kids was even more challenging, and I feel bad that they had to go through that. Sitting in the car, having all of their stuff packed away, sleeping in makeshift beds until theirs were put back together -- all of it. They've adapted to the new house really well, and I think they love having all this room to roam and explore. Hah! We do live in the sticks now, but not too far from civilization. My one item that I cannot find is my Silk soy ORIGINAL creamer, which I don't think is something Amazon can ship. Do they mail cold stuff? We're getting settled in, and new routines are forming! :)

  7. You're definitely not complaining to much. I've moved a lot as a kid and it can be very challenging. We are putting our home up for sale in the upcoming months, and although I love the idea of getting a new home.. I can get stressed already of the idea of moving again. And this time with a baby. So.. I think you're complains are justifiable!! ;)
    Have fun reading your new books!

    1. We moved when our son was two and again when the twins were two, so I know how it feels to move with babies! They were all older this time, but it was still miserable for them. At least we didn't have to stop every few hours to breastfeed, haha. Moving is super stressful, so I will send happy thoughts your way! I would suggest packing on the nonessentials in advance, so you're not trying to do it all at once. <3

  8. I despise moving! I try to avoid doing it as much as possible, but this year I had to and ended up getting a mover to help because I didn't want to deal with the stress. I live by myself, so I imagine it was 100x harder for you and your family. I'm glad you're finally settled though! BUT ANTS! Oh man! I'd probably be screeching like your kids.
    At least you have some good books to keep you company. Happy reading and take care!

    Nick @ The Infinite Limits of Love

    1. We should have gotten a mover! We thought we'd save some money by doing it ourselves, but it wasn't worth it. I'd rather have someone else do it and wait two weeks for my stuff, than try and do it with just one other person. Hah! I'm screeching like my kids! I hate ants, and these are HUGE. Yay for good books! :)

  9. Oh, I think it would be hard if family popped in without calling first, but help with the kids might be nice, if there so inclined! Lol! Those ants!! I'd be running and screaming! They're huge! The sunrise/sunset (?) is beautiful.

    I think it's the 3rd book before anything happens romantically with Kate and Curran, which is Magic Strikes. Just looked it up. I need to do a re-read! Enjoy. I also want to read Two Can Keep a Secret because I loved One of Us is Lying!

    1. They've started calling, once I made it clear that I needed time to prepare for visits. My dogs have to be put away so they're not jumping all over people, which is hard to do when they're knocking on the door. I also need to make sure they're coming over when the kids are awake and not napping, because I will murder anyone that wakes a sleeping baby, haha. That's the only time I have to get things done! It was a sunset on New Year's Eve. :)

      I'm reading the third book now, but they've only kissed and it was very brief. I'm ready for them to fully commit to their feelings and get jiggy with it! ;) I haven't read One of Us is Lying, but I'll probably read it if I enjoy Two Can Keep a Secret (which I am!).

  10. I don't ever want to move again! The last time I moved was over 18 years ago and I do not have fond memories of the experience. Sorry you are having some issues with your new house and spending two days loading a truck sounds terrible. Have a great week!

    1. Moving is horrific, and I never want to do it again. However, my husband's job means we will move often, so I guess I'd better get used to it! We've used movers in the past, and stupidly thought we could do it ourselves this time. Never again!

  11. OMG what part of the country are those huge ants in? I'm going to guess Texas based on the size of the crickets I ran screaming from when we went there for a cousin's wedding once. We get ant invasions in Arkansas and L.A. but there the tiny little regular ants.

    Congrats on being moved in to your new house! It sounds like you'll have lots of fun adventures with the family being so close. Hopefully they will give you more space once the excitement of having you there wears off a bit. LOL

    1. Yes! Texas! My husband and I both grew up in Texas, but we've been away for awhile. I guess I forgot how massive some of the things are. Big ants, regular ants -- all awful. They should stick to decomposing wildlife and nature.

      Thanks! I hope we have many fun adventures this year! They've already started giving us more space, because I made it clear that phone calls were required for visits, haha. <3

  12. Ugh, I HATE moving! I've done it approximately 200000 times and I'm with you. I hope I don't have to again for a long, long time. I hope you get the ants figured out! That's terrifying! I hope you enjoy your new reads! I can't wait to get to Gilded Wolves.

    1. I know we'll be moving again in the not so distant future, but that's life. My husband's job requires us to relocate every so often, so we'll manage. It's just hard with kids and pets! Also, I'm getting too old to move and carry furniture!

      I'm really excited about starting The Gilded Wolves! :)

  13. That's not too much complaining. And at least they aren't fireants. I had those coming in since we've had rain for about a month here. I hope things go well and you get settled in. Lots of wonderful books to relax with when you get the time!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Yikes! Yes, your ant problem is worse. These seem to stay away from us, but I still want them out of the house. I think the rain is what made them seek a different shelter, so maybe they'll go back outside now that it's sunny again. Shouldn't they hibernate or something in the winter? I know Texas doesn't get very cold, but still...

  14. Ugh... moving. I'm in the process right now, although it's student housing so I had A LOT less to pack than you must have! I'm really looking forward to hearing more about what you think of The Wicked King and The Gilded Wolves (when you get a chance to read it). Hope settling into the new place gets easier as time goes on!

    1. Moving is difficult no matter how much stuff you have! You still have to pack everything you own and take it somewhere else. It's disorienting, especially when you can't find something. The Wicked King is amazing, though I want more romance! Go on and kiss the girl, Cardan! ;)

  15. Oh wow, you have a lot of stuff going on this week! Ugh...ants! I hate any kind of insect. I hope things calm down for you and this week goes better!

    1. Things are already settling down, and I'm finding more time to read. We just need to tackle a few more problems before I can really relax. Insects in general don't bother me, but ants are a nuisance. Ticks, mosquitos and cockroaches should all be vanquished. ;)

  16. Wow, that sunset is magnificent! When we moved into our new house, I vowed never again. I can't even imagine how stressful it is with kids. Those are some HUGE ants. I've never seen anything like it. We used to have an ant issue and found a product called Coopex by Bayer works wonders. You can spray it inside and out and it's safe for pets so also safe for humans. They use it in agricultural areas so it's tough stuff. Hopefully things settle down soon and you're able to put your feet up and start enjoying the new house darling ♡

    1. Thanks for letting me know! They treated outside of the house yesterday, so I'll look into Coopex if it doesn't work. I like that it's safe for people and pets, because I believe they used crunched up cereal to entice the ants here (which is something both children and dogs would eat). What does it mean to "put your feet up"? ;)

  17. Wow, those ants are like mutants, lol. Moving is the worst, but I hope you get settled in soon and that there won't be anymore issues.

    1. I grew up in Texas, and this is still the first time I've ever seen ants this big. Have you seen Zoo? It's a television show about animals fighting back. They've finally had enough of humans destroying the world, so they start killing everyone. There's one episode about ants, and it's all I can think about! ;)

  18. Yaaaay I'm happy that moving is coming to a close. Those ants are hugeeee. I hope they all find their way back outside soon.

    I hope you love both Two Can Keep a Secret and The Wicked King!!

    1. I wish they'd never found their way inside! I haven't slept well, because I'm afraid I'll wake up with them all over my face. :(

      I'm loving them both!! <3

  19. You've no idea how excited I am that you're working your way through the Kate Daniels series! Book 3 is one of my favourites and Kate and Curran have one of the best relationships in UF. Their relationship is just so real... All fantasy things considered! They do stupid stuff, they can be unreasonable, they fight, but they have each others backs through thick and thin... I love them. I also love Derek. Derek is my favourite secondary character and I hope there's spin off Derek stuff in the future. Can't wait to see what you think!

    I'm sorry about all the moving drama. I feel for you. Moving is the absolute worst! Settling in takes time but you'll get there. You're already seeing some positives. You're being awesome about the ants though. I'd be screaming everytime I saw one and pretty much refusing to be in the house until someone came and got rid of them all.


    1. I really enjoyed Magic Strikes! The hot tub scene — phew! I thought it was finally about to happen, but then Derek had to pop up out of nowhere. I’ve never disliked Derek... not untilt that moment anyways, haha. Kate is always overthinking her relationship with Curran, and I love it when she loses herself in him. I wanted so much more! I just started Magic Bleeds, and they’re mad at each other? They both think the other stood them up, and I’m sorely confused. Something is obviously going on, because she said she called, and I remember that, but he’s claiming never to have received one. If he finds out someone didn’t pass along her message, or even spoke for him — dead shifter (or whomever it might be).

      I agree that their relationship feels real, though the slow burn is killing me. Yes! I would love a series from Derek’s perspective. I was sick to my stomach when Kate discovered what state he was in. I wanted to murder people.

      Moving has been insane! Not only were there ants, but massive spiders! The landlord swears the place was sprayed for bugs inside and out, so WHY ARE THEY IN MY HOUSE? Ants I can manage, but spiders do make me want to run away screaming. I don’t care how “harmless” most spiders are, because what if it’s one that’s not? I can’t tell the difference!

  20. Ugh sorry to hear about all the issues with moving, especially the pipes and ants! I think moving on that list of 10 more stressful things! I can imagine it was especially tough for the kids! BUT it's great that you love the house and that your family helped you guys us unload everything. I know exactly what you mean about having family close! :) I'll be reading Gilded Wolves next week. Hope we love it!

    1. We’ve had movers move us in the past, and I think I forgot how difficult it was to move furniture on my own. Yes, my husband did most of the heavy lifting, but some things required two people. Maybe I’m getting old, but damn. The mattress was nearly impossible to move, and it’s not something you can put on a dolly. I’ve also never tried moving on our own with kids, so I think that made things a little more difficult. Someone had to watch them while the truck was being loaded, and leaving them to their own devices wasn’t an option. ;)

      I’m really looking forward to The Gilded Wolves! I hope it’s amazing!

  21. Ewww, those ants are monsters. Sorry you’re going through all this. Hopefully the plumbing and the ants get fixed soon.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Both issues have been resolved, but things were pretty crazy for awhile. Now it’s spiders and scorpions, which I think is much worse. We were told the place was sprayed for bugs, but I don’t think they mind whatever was used. They just keep finding a way inside! The only insect that seems to have been affected? Ladybugs.

  22. Moving is the WORST. I hope things get settled for you soon.

    And keep me posted on your TWK reading ;-)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Things have started to settle down, but I think everyone is happy here. The yard is massive, so the dogs have more room to roam, and there’s some land we’re allowed to explore as well. Unfortunately, ticks are an issue and my children are low to the ground. I think my biggest issue so far has been BUGS — ugh.

      Fuck Locke! Also, I love what the previous seneschal said about juggling, and I wish Jude hadn’t been so offended by his comment. Whether or not it was well-intentioned, it was accurate.

  23. Oh many things for you to deal with there. Good luck with everyting!

    Yay for Ilona Andrews, I love their books!

    1. Moving has been insane, but we’re settling in and getting things sorted out. :)

      I love the Ilona Andrews duo! I first started reading their Hidden Legacy series, but needed something else when I reached the end of that series (what they have written so far). The Kate Daniels books have been wonderful, but the slow burn romance is killing me! I desperately want Kate and Curran to hook up! Hah! ;)

  24. Omg ants creep me the heck out and those are the biggest I've seen. I thought our carpenter ants were big. Dang.

    1. These ants are no joke! They have some of the biggest heads I’ve ever seen! I’ve been sleeping with bug spray on the dresser, because knowing they’d been in the house made my skin crawl!

  25. Moving with kids is so so stressful. I've only done it once and years ago but I remember how tough it was - hope you get all the issues with the new house resolved and by the time spring comes you can get out in the woods and enjoy!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. We’ve already been out in the woods! It doesn’t get very cold in Texas, so we’re able to be outside more during the year. However, it also means that bugs tend to stick around instead of hibernating (or whatever it is they do). Mosquitos, ticks, etc. — UGH.

  26. What an awesome sunset photo! I hope you guys are able to solve all of the issues that have popped up since moving in! Having ants would drive me crazy!! Good luck! <3

    1. The ant issue has been resolved! Hooray! We can also use the washing machine without flooding the house, so that’s been lovely. I have three kids and we use cloth diapers, so it’s really important that our washing machine functions properly. ;)

  27. YAY for Kate Daniels. It's my favorite - enjoy! I'm trying to watch the Marvel stuff on Netflix and I'm only on S2 of Daredevil. Since I only watch like one episode a month, it's a slooow process. I better hurry up since I suppose they will be off Netflix at some point? I usually listen to an audiobook while knitting but I will have to watch a few episodes. Enjoy your reads - you have an enegertic goal this year! Would you want to join us on the Alex Verus Read-along? Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. We’ve been trying to watch S3 of Daredevil since it was released in October. I think we’ve seen three episodes, hah! There’s just never enough time in a day. I wasn’t thinking about them removing the Marvel shows from Netflix, only preventing new seasons from being made. I do think they have a S3 already planned for Jessica Jones, so it should still air on Netflix before being booted. I think there was another one... hmm.

      I love listening to audiobooks wile I crochet! I need my eyes, so I probably wouldn’t be able to watch somethithing, but I like being able to keep my hands busy while I listen to someone else read.

      I am more than enjoying the Kate Daniels series! Ilona Andrews is an amazing author duo! I really love their Hidden Legacy series has well. Have you read it? What is the Alex Verus Read-along?

  28. OMG that sounds awful. Ants and flooding, wow, what a week for you! I don't blame you for complaining - most of us would as well in the same position, so complain away. Hopefully most of these issues are resolved soon, but hey, at least there seems to be some amazing views that are photo worthy.

    1. …and then our computer crashed and we had to give up our firstborn child to cover the expenses, haha. Joking! It was costly, though. It's been a rough month! When it rains it pours, right? I'm really enjoying living out in the county -- it's lovely! The coyotes are really loud -- hah! ;)

  29. Did you move to a completely different weather area?! For some reason I thought you were moving not that far away. Yikes! 🐜🐜🐜

    With moving I'm surprised you got as much reading done as you did. You rock! 📚

    What brand vegan creamer do you use? I have been trying to find one that's not full of palm oil. ☕

    I hope you had a wonderful week, and have a great upcoming week. 🌞

    1. We're still in the same state! However, we went from city to country, so the insects and wildlife are more prevalent here. I don't mind most of it! Audiobooks are the only reason I've gotten any reading done lately. I use Silk's soy creamer -- amazing! Have you tried that one? I don't think it has palm oil in it... <3

  30. Oh my gosh sending so many hugs your way! Moving is a pain in the first place but then to have issues with the house you move into, ugh, I'm so sorry! And those ants are HUGE! Like my eyes right now lol. Out here we have regular sized ants, red ants and little tiny ants that people call sugar ants. I hate all of them but now I'm thankful we don't have those guys, I would legit freak! Sending positive thoughts your way and here's hoping everything starts turning around soon!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. The ants are INSANE! Also, our computer crashed a few days ago, so we had to get that fixed. Aargh! I'm tired of all the issues! I'm ready for a smooth, normal routine that I can mostly predict. :) Thank you for the positive thoughts!!


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless