The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.
I'm barely coherent this morning -- sdfkljsdlkfj. I dislike it when we "spring" forward, because it inevitably messes with my sleep and my children's. They're on a pretty decent schedule right now (with naps and such), and now everything is an hour earlier than it was. It'll take forever to recondition them to a different time - ugh. It means their eight o'clock bedtime will technically be nine until it gets sorted out. Does the time change impact your schedule at all, or do you just go with it?
In happier news... my son started soccer last week! He loved it! He's done fundamentals before, but this is his first time playing on a team, and I was so proud of him at his first practice. He really went for it and listened to what his coach was saying (more than he has been at home -- hah!), and the joy on his face almost made me cry. He was running, kicking, and falling over for the ball, and even managed to score a few goals. I've always thought he was fast, but seeing him against other kids his age only confirms it. He doesn't get his speed from me, but I'm thankful the gene pool gifted him with the ability. My baby is growing up, you guys! First piano, now soccer (he's been doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu for about a year now), and I feel like he's really becoming his own individual. It's bittersweet, because I know he's never going to be a "baby" again, and he needs me less and less every day.
The girls are really coming into their own personalities as well, and having two-year-old twins keeps me on my toes. They've started digging through my stuff (shoes, purses, scarves) and commandeering them as their own. It takes me forever to find my stuff when we need to go somewhere. They also mimic everything their brother does, so I keep reminding him to set a good example. He doesn't understand that when he puts spaghetti on his head, his sisters are going to copy him. Right now he thinks it's funny, but I'm thinking long-term. I really want him to show them the right way to do things, so I'm not constantly correcting or reprimanding all three of them for the same thing. I've lost count of how many times I've said, "Bathtubs are for bathing, not swimming. Food goes in our mouths, not our ears. Please don't pull the cat's tail. Get off the table! Laundry goes in a laundry basket, because the dog will eat your socks, and then we'll have to take him to the vet to have his stomach cut open."
I love being a mother, and I love my children, but it's exhausting. They require so much constant attention, and by the time they're in bed for the night, I'm too tired to do anything else. 😴
Previous week on the blog:
Sunday: The Sunday Post [12]
Monday: Nothing!
Tuesday: Seafire (Seafire, #1) by Natalie C. Parker ⋆⋆⋆⋆
Thursday: Nothing!
Friday: Black Wings Beating (Skybound, #1) by Alex London ⋆⋆⋆
Saturday: Nothing!
What I'm currently reading:

The Last Woman in the Forest by Diane Les Becquets
Meet Me in Outer Space by Melinda Grace
Cold Day in the Sun by Sara Biren
What I plan on reading next:

Remind Me (Magnolia Sound, #1) by Samantha Chase
Small Town Hearts by Lillie Vale
Beware the Night by Jessika Fleck
I'm a little hesitant about Remind Me after reading the prequel Sunkissed Days, because the entire conflict was due to a lack of communication. Jake wasn't honest about college and his financial situation, and Mallory wasn't willing to talk to him after overhearing a conversation between him and her grandfather. Her actual assumption was a bit ridiculous, and her reaction was childish. I've already read the first chapter of this book, since it was included at the end of the prequel, and I'm hoping this book reads a little differently. They're both older, out of college, and living adult lives.
Small Town Hearts and Beware the Night both sound awesome!
What I'm watching:
Sesame Street, Super Why, Daniel Tiger, Pokémon -- nothing for myself at the moment, haha. The joys of parenthood! I did manage to catch up on Fairy Tail the other day, which was amazing, but I haven't had time for anything else. My husband wants me to try The Umbrella Academy. Thoughts?
Challenge updates:
Audiobook Challenge: 12 / 30+
Beat the Backlist Challenge: 16 / 100
Discussion Challenge: 2 / 11-20
Goodreads Challenge: 67 / 500
I'm off to do another round of If You're Happy and You Know it... at least they've stopped asking for Baby Shark. Small victories, right?
I don't feel the time change until Monday. So, I will be miserable tomorrow. Though, I slept the same number of hours as I normally do. Maybe I will be ok tomorrow? I LOVED Cold Day in the Sun. It made me happy. Meet Me in Outer Space was good too, and I enjoyed Small Town Hearts as well. I remember watching Pokemon and playing the game and having to get Burger King so that my child would have each and every one of those cheap little dolls. She still loves Pokemon after all these years too.
ReplyDeleteI actually woke up early today for the first time in ages! I've been tempted to wake the kids up so they can start adjusting, but I've been enjoying the quiet and solitude too much. I'll deal with their sleep schedules later, haha. Right now, it's coffee and blogging (and laundry, but some work is unavoidable). ;)
DeleteI'm almost finished with Cold Day in the Sun, and it's been such a fun book! Holland was so anti-Wes, even though he treated her like everyone else (which is what she wanted). I think it's funny that she's upset with him for doing exactly what she wants and not realizing it. He's also adorable, especially when he explained why he calls her "Dutch".
I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the others! <3
I have all the Pokémon memorized, and I can tell you how they evolve, haha. We have a game on the iPad that lets him "battle" other people (but I have it set up so he only battles computers or his dad). He loves it! He and Jacob will also play with real cards, and the two of them will disappear for hours. If only he'd practice piano with such gusto! :) We don't eat meat, so we rarely go to McDonalds or BK, but I remember going through the drive through and ordering fries just so I could also buy the Pokémon toys. The things we do for our children! Do you think you'll watch the new Pokémon movie? Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu is hilarious.
I hate the springing forward in time too. It may only be an hour, but it seriously messes up with my sleep cycle. It's so stupid.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to your son! Glad he's enjoying soccer! And aww, you have twins! Adorable! I can totally see how it can be exhausting though! Small Town Hearts sounds adorable.
I hope you enjoy your week ahead!
Yes! It doesn't matter when I go sleep/wake up, the missing hour always messes with my head. I feel off for a few days until my body adjusts to the new time. Thanks! He's loving soccer. Yes, twins! They're adorable monsters that sap every iota of energy I have. ;)
DeleteI'm really looking forward to Small Town Hearts, so I hope it's good! I've only seen positive reviews so far, which is promising. :)
I hate springing forward to, it's going to SUCK tomorrow. I heard a rumor that this might be our last Daylight Savings. I hope it's true.
ReplyDeleteBeing a parent sounds rewarding but also super tiring. I hope you get some TV time in, haha. I'm happy that your son loves soccer though! :)
This is Amber @ Du Livre btw. I have to use my husband's comp since I broke mine.
Hey, Amber! Where did you hear this rumor?? I do like having the extra daylight, but adjusting the time twice a year really throws me off. We get into routines, especially with small children, and they don't understand why their bedtime is an hour earlier! It's hard to make that transition, so I have to steal 15 minutes here, and 15 minutes there, until everyone is back on track. It's exhausting!
DeleteMy Netflix account needs some love, and I'm hoping to have a little time tonight. :)
Soccer has been a blast!
I had one kid and jut never wanted more. She's 27 now and she has a 6 year old son. My grandson has so much energy. I don't remember my daughter being that rambunctious.
ReplyDeleteThe older I get, the more energy children seem to have. When I was student teaching, I was still in college, yet the kids still seemed to bounce from one place to the next. Now it's like they never stop moving! ;)
DeleteI can relate, the time change when we lose the hour affects me also, it throws me off for maybe a few days then I adjust.
ReplyDeleteYay for soccer and lol my daughter thinks what's mine is hers too.
Enjoy your books, they all look good especially Small Town Hearts.
Stupid time change! ;) We are loving soccer! I'm happy that he's happy. All of my children think everything I have is theirs, even my food. Even if we're all eating the same thing, somehow my plate is more appealing. I can never snack on something without having to share, so I've been forced to sneak food when they're not looking. <3
DeleteWe really enjoyed The Umbrella Academy! I'm feeling the time change today, although it was partially my fault for staying up too late watching a movie!
ReplyDeleteHopefully I'll have a chance to start it this week! I really want to! What movie did you stay up too late to watch?? ;)
DeleteUgh, I hate losing an hour. I'm sure it's much worse with children though. I'm just ready for it to be lighter later at the very least. I'm curious about Umbrella Academy - I've heard good things.
I don't remember it really bothering me before having kids! I wasn't big on schedules, haha. Now I need to have them down for a nap by a certain time, or they're up too late at night! We're still trying to adjust now, which is why it's super late before I finally get everyone to sleep. The time change is exhausting!
DeleteI watched the first episode of The Umbrella Academy, and every single character has issues. Their "dad" was super creepy, and did weird things to them when they were children. It's clearly impacted their adult lives. I am curious and want to continue the series!
I've seen a ton of people recommending The Umbrella Academy, I personally haven't seen it yet. It is one show I hope to get too soon. My little ones keep me on my toes all the time. I always feel exhausted at the end of the day. My little ones don't take naps anymore but I have a feeling they might fall asleep a little earlier today. At least, I'm hoping.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a wonderful week!
Tina @ As Told By Tina
I finally managed to watch the first episode of The Umbrella Academy! It was a little confusing at first, since there are seven of them to keep up with, and it was hard to recognize them in their flashbacks. Plus, there are fewer of them now, which only added to my confusion. Have you read the comics?
DeleteMy son rarely takes naps anymore, but there are days when he does! It's so quiet when they're all asleep, and I rarely know what to do with myself. Did yours end up falling asleep a little early?
I hate the time change lol- it always throws me off. And yay for soccer! Sounds like your son is going to enjoy it. :)
ReplyDeleteThe Last Woman in the Forest sounds pretty great.
You guys watch Umbrella academy and then let me know haha! I've been mulling that one too :)
I'm still hating the time change -- ugh. Yes! Soccer! He's having a blast, and I love watching him practice. His happiness is contagious. I'm really enjoying The Last Woman in the Forest, but haven't had too much time to just sit and read. Audiobooks are the only reason I'm getting through books right now. Well, and Gregor the Overlander, because I read that one at night to the kids. It's brutal, so I've had to start skimming. It's becoming increasingly violent and disturbing. I'M crying! :'(
DeleteOkay, so the first episode of TUA was pretty good. Everyone has issues, but that's totally understandable. I think you'd like it!
I was almost late to work this morning because of the time change!
ReplyDeleteYou sound like me! I'm always running late, but the time change made it so much worse.
DeleteI remember what a pain Daylight Savings was when my kids were little. It's annoying enough now---I'm so darn tired this morning! It really throws kids off.
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
It does! We still haven't adjusted and it's been a few days. Their late nights have become later, and it's draining my energy. I'm so tired!
DeleteI do hate the time change, it takes everyone so long to get readjusted, regardless of our ages I think. I know I'm feeling it today even more so than I was yesterday!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a few days now, and we still haven't adjusted. Someone else mentioned that this might be the last Daylight Savings, and I really hope that's true. I understand they do it for more daylight, but I think people should just work with what they have. The hour difference really throws everything off.
DeleteUgh, I loathe the time change - particularly the "springing forward." It's crazy how much just one hour can impact you. But I feel like I'm thrown off for days and days. Glad soccer has been such a hit! And I can't imagine how exhausting three little ones must be. I never had the desire for children so even just hearing about it makes me tired. LOL I've heard great things about Cold Day in the Sun!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally fine with gaining an hour, haha. It usually works out nicely! It's losing an hour that takes me ages to recuperate from. It's so much worse for the kids, because they don't understand why I want them to go to bed earlier, haha.
DeleteSoccer has been so much fun for everyone! I love seeing him enjoying himself so much. Cold Day in the Sun was AMAZING! I think you'd enjoy it! <3
I'm scared to ask what Baby Shark is.
ReplyDeleteGosh Linds, mummy needs to put the kids to bed and just leave everything and put her feet up and have a few glasses of her drink of choice. We're just coming to the end of our daylight savings time here and thankfully. I hate it, especially going to bed early and you can see the sun peaking in around the blinds and curtains.
It's a song I learned during summer camp as a kid, but it's recently gotten a lot of attention because of a video on YouTube (if you watch it, you'll be scarred for life). I can't even find the original anymore. The YouTube video also sings it a little differently, but the general gist is the same.
DeleteAt the end of the day/night, there's so much to do around the house. Dishes, laundry, and whatever else still needs to be cleaned. I try to give the kids most of my attention during the day, so cleaning has to wait until they're asleep. It's so hard to read these days!
Love the twins getting into your stuff how cute.
ReplyDeleteAlways! ;)
DeleteSometimes I find everything exhausting but it's much easier to have energy this week when the sun is shining and the weather is pleasant.
ReplyDeleteI usually just switch the time and do it. This time though, I'm sleeping in a half hour later and staying up a half hour later, at least for a few days to make a gradual move. I hope things are going well and you are finding some great reading! Anne - Books of My Heart
That's so true! We've been stuck inside a lot lately (rain, cold, sickness), and the sunshine has been amazing! I find life to be much more manageable when we can go outside, or to a playground, in the morning. My reading has been going well! I've been reading a lot of wonderful books. You? <3
DeleteI salute you! I'm exhausted just reading about people with multiple young ones! My friend has 18mo twins and 30min with them is insane, lol
ReplyDeleteI thought things were crazy when they were babies, but once they started walking... it was all over. ;)
DeleteLast Sunday I binge watched The Umbrella Academy and enjoyed it. I still have questions though. I hate the time change and wish we'd just leave it DST and be done.
ReplyDeleteI've seen the first two episodes now! They're all messed up! I think Vanya has powers, because their "dad" wouldn't have kept her around otherwise. He was too invested in their abilities and seeing how far he could push them. She'll probably be more powerful than them all! Five's friend, Delores... surprised me. I hate that you still have questions at the end. I like for a season to finish with a bow! :)
DeleteI still miss going to soccer games and my son hasn't played in fourteen years. Ha ha. ⚽
ReplyDeleteI am so happy they have kept Mr. Rogers legacy alive with Daniel Tiger. 🐯
I hope you had a wonderful week. 🌞
I really love watching him play, and they've only had practices so far! I cannot wait to see an actual game. It's going to be so fun (for both of us, haha). We love Daniel Tiger, and I'm also glad they've kept Mr. Rogers alive in some way. I remember watching his show as a kid, and DT is a good alternative for them today. I think they prefer the animation, too.