Thursday, May 9, 2019

All Our Broken Pieces by L.D. Crichton
[Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway]

Hello! Welcome to the next stop on the All Our Broken Pieces blog tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. I'm really happy to share my thoughts on this book with you! It might be my favorite read this year! 

Author: L.D. Crichton
Pub. Date: May 7, 2019
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 416
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD

"You can’t keep two people who are meant to be together apart for long...”

Lennon Davis doesn’t believe in much, but she does believe in the security of the number five. If she flicks the bedroom light switch five times, maybe her new L.A. school won’t suck. But that doesn’t feel right, so she flicks the switch again. And again. Ten more flicks of the switch and maybe her new step family will accept her. Twenty-five more flicks and maybe she won’t cause any more of her loved ones to die. Fifty times more and then she can finally go to sleep.

Kyler Benton witnesses this pattern of lights from the safety of his treehouse in the yard next door. It is only there, hidden from the unwanted stares of his peers, that Kyler can fill his notebooks with lyrics that reveal the true scars of the boy behind the oversized hoodies and caustic humor. But Kyler finds that descriptions of blonde hair, sad eyes, and tapping fingers are beginning to fill the pages of his notebooks. Lennon, the lonely girl next door his father has warned him about, infiltrates his mind. Even though he has enough to deal with without Lennon’s rumored tragic past in his life, Kyler can’t help but want to know the truth about his new muse.

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Any quotes I use are from an unpublished copy and may not reflect the finished product.

"I don't want to be captured in the pages of Kyler's story. He'd be like a book I could never stop reading."
I loved this. 
I loved this.
I loved this.
I loved this.
I loved this.

I am overflowing with love for this book! L.D. Crichton has created something beautiful and memorable, and I cannot wait to see what she writes next. The writing was lovely and flowed from one page to the next. Kyler and Lennon were two very distinct characters that I could relate to, and enjoyed reading about. Everything about this book was perfection, and that's not something I say lightly. I honestly have nothing negative to say about All Our Broken Pieces. Whether your purchase a copy for yourself, or borrow a copy from the library, this is a book you need in your life.

First of all, I want to say how much I enjoyed the family dynamics. Lennon has to move in with her father and stepmother after an accident, and it's an adjustment for everyone. Her OCD is new to them, and they have to learn how the condition impacts Lennon, and also what it means to have her in their lives. They are more than willing to help and really try to understand. It's super obvious they love and care about her. Her father shares memories of her mother and how they met, and Claire (Lennon's stepmother) laughs along with everyone else. There is not jealousy or hatred, just happiness and acceptance.

The odd little bird would be Andrea, the stepsister and daughter from Claire's previous marriage, who seems to hate everyone and everything. She's definitely a character you love to hate, and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive her. Jacob, the child Lennon's father and stepmother share, is five and adorable. I loved all of his interactions with the other characters, and the youthful innocence he possesses. He's fiercely loyal to Lennon, and does try to understand her condition. He's always attentive and never judgmental. He'll be the best superhero reporter when he grows up!

I really enjoyed Lennon's facts before her chapters, and that she was so into trivia and random knowledge. I also loved Kyler's lyrics that were shared before all of his. He's crazy talented, but feels unsure about himself because of his physical appearance. He doesn't trust others easily, but there was undeniable bond between him and Lennon. They think it's because they're both broken, but I thought they were perfect. Lennon gives as good as she gets, and Kyler appreciates her honestly and perspective of the world. Lennon doesn't notice the one thing that constantly occupies his thoughts, and he doesn't care that her brain doesn't work like everyone else's. Kyler tells Lennon that weird is beautiful, and she's the weirdest person he's ever met. Seriously, these two will melt your heart and have your face hurting in the best possible way.

There are so many amazing things I could say about this book! It was truly a remarkable read, and one I'm sure I'll be thinking about weeks (possibly months) from now. I swear, the only time I stopped smiling was when I started crying. All Our Broken Pieces was a heartfelt story that really captures what it is to love someone unconditionally. If you have a chance to read this one, don't hesitate. It's one of the best books I've ever read.

About the Author:

L.D. Crichton is the author of THE ENCHANTMENT OF EMMA FLETCHER, which received a starred review from School Library Journal. She’s a coffee devotee and lip gloss enthusiast whose infatuation with music is truly astonishing. If she’s not reading, writing, or checking her horoscope for signs from the Universe, you can find her by the water in search of mermaids because they're real. ALL OUR BROKEN PIECES is her first young adult novel. Represented by John Silbersack @ The Bent Agency.

She is one of 6 hosts for a weekly Twitter chat about writing. Search the hashtag #Wattpad4 Monday nights at 8:00 PM EST on Twitter to join in!

Giveaway details:
3 winners will receive a finished copy of ALL OUR BROKEN PIECES, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One: 
5/1/2019- Lifestyle Of Me- Review
5/2/2019- A Dream Within A Dream- Excerpt
5/3/2019- Novel Novice- Guest Post

Week Two: 
5/6/2019- Betwixt the Pages- Review
5/7/2019- BookHounds YA- Review
5/8/2019- Life of a Literary Nerd- Excerpt
5/9/2019- Do You Dog-ear?- Review
5/10/2019- Novel Nerd Faction- Review

Week Three: 
5/13/2019- A Bookish Escape- Review
5/14/2019- Here's to Happy Endings- Review
5/15/2019- Dani Reviews Things- Review
5/16/2019- The Pages In-Between- Review
5/17/2019- Lone Tree Reviews- Review

Week Four: 
5/20/2019- Savings in Seconds- Review
5/21/2019- Book-Keeping- Review
5/22/2019- Life of a Simple Reader- Review
5/23/2019- Smada's Book Smack- Review
5/24/2019- Eli to the nth- Review

Week Five: 
5/27/2019- Popthebutterfly Reads- Review
5/28/2019- Jena Brown Writes- Review
5/29/2019- Literary Meanderings- Interview
5/30/2019- Paper Reader- Review 
5/31/2019- Two points of interest- Review


  1. That really sounds like a good story. I love it when I really like a book and just want to tell everyone to go read it.

    1. I'm still thinking about it! It was an amazing read! <3

  2. I'm not sure if you loved the book or not... j/k! This sounds like something I'd really enjoy. I hope it comes out in audiobook as I have been doing my YA contemps this way and enjoying it. Brilly review!!

    1. It was amazing! Lennon offers an interesting perspective, and Kyler is everything you want in a love interest. They don't judge one another, just accept the crazy and move on. Refreshing and remarkable! <3

  3. Great review! I can really feel your love for this book coming through.

    1. Thanks! I'm happy to hear that! I enjoy writing reviews for the books I love. <3

  4. Replies
    1. Yay! I think you'll be happy with this one, Noel! :)

  5. Dang it! I almost grabbed this one and it looks like I so should have! Maybe I will get lucky and win a copy. ;) Lovely review and I can't wait to read this!!

    1. YOU TOTALLY SHOULD HAVE GRABBED THIS ONE, and I'm sad on your behalf! I hope you do win a copy, because I know you'll appreciate how awesome this one is. However, if you don't win, you should definitely buy it! Worth it! :) I'm already looking forward to your review, haha. I need someone I can gush over this book with!

  6. A supportive, loving family in a contemporary YA? Do my eyes deceive me? :)
    I am LOVING the sound of this one! I’m already so intrigued by the sound of Kyler and Lennon and am dying to meet Lennon’s family. I’m tempted to skip the library and just buy my own copy. Great review, Lindsi!

    1. I know you don't read a lot of YA, but please make an exception for this one! It's fabulous! It was everything I wanted from a book and more. I already want to re-read it, and I cannot stop thinking about the characters. I really hope the author plans to write more books like this in the future, or maybe a companion novel with a different perspective. Skip the library! Skip! ;)

  7. OMG the cover is absolutely gorgeous! I'm so glad that you loved this book :) This makes me excited to read the book too. I love it when someone is excited about a book they read/reading.

    Elle @ Keep on Reading

    1. I love reading passionate reviews, because I can't help but get excited too! They're so much fun! Also, this book is amazing and deserves all the love. <3

  8. I loved this.
    I loved this.
    I loved this.
    I loved this.
    I loved this.

    ^^ The above stood out from your review and it made me so curious about the rest of your review and the rest made me so curious about the book....

    1. The main character likes the number five, so I thought it would be a nice nod to anyone else that's read the book. ;) I also loved it enough to say it fives times, and those three words could have been my entire review! <3

  9. I'm glad you loved this so much. There's nothing like a book high!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I'm riding that high into The Unhoneymooners! The bathroom scene on the boat? Hilarious. But back to this one -- so fucking good, Karen. Seriously. I know I don't try to cram books down people's throats very often, but THIS. THIS books is amazing and needs to you to read it. I know you'll love it as much as I do. :)

  10. Oh wow this sounds soo good!! Definitely adding this to my TBR!! Great review!! =)

    ~ Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. It was incredible! I'm still thinking about it. I'm so happy you're adding it to your TBR, and I hope you have a chance to read it soon! <3

  11. I have this one on my TBR and it is actually available through Hoopla. I am definitely reading it, when things slow down. I am all about a good YA family and Lennon and Kyler sound fantastic.

    1. Awesome! I really think you're going to love this one as much as I did! It's perfect. I honestly have no bad things to say about this one, which is so rare for me, I feel like I have to shout and scream until everyone knows about it. ;)

  12. I hadn't heard of this one before, but it does sound really good. I'll have to keep my eye out for it! Glad you enjoyed it so much :)

    1. Thanks! I'm so happy I read it and experienced the story! It was a wonderful read that will stick with me always. :)

  13. wow good parents in YA books makes me so happy, going to add this to my GR and keep an eye out on it.

    1. I hope you stumble across it sooner rather than later! It's fantastic! I really love it when families are supportive and encouraging. It's so rare in YA these days. I know no one has a perfect family, but they don't all have to be tragic or horrible. There should be a balance, just like in life.

  14. I love how your enthusiasm and love for this book came through so strongly in your review!

    1. It's easy to be enthusiastic when you love something! It's been ages since I've read a book that consumed me so completely. I never wanted to put it down! Amazing! :)

  15. Ahh I am so, so, so happy you loved this book so much, reading your review made me smile and warmed my heart, I could recognize my own feelings and love for this book in your words, too. Such a great read, I can't wait to read more from the author :)

    1. I'm so happy you've read this! I'm also thrilled that you enjoyed it, too. This author was new to me, so I took a chance based on the synopsis (and I loved the cover), and I'm so, so glad that I did. It was amazing! One of my favorite reads this year, and an instant all-time favorite. Like you, I cannot wait to read more from the author. <3

  16. Well Lindsi you built a pretty convincing "case" insisting that you loved this LOL. But OK adding to my TBR as you are so enthusiastic!

    1. Haha! I'm happy my enthusiasm is contagious. This one is definitely worth the read!

  17. This book has been on my TBR since I found out about and I'm now even more eager to get my hands on it!

    1. I hope you have a chance to read it soon! It's been ages since I've wanted to personally buys a book for people just so they'll read it sooner rather than later, haha. That's love! ;)

  18. Wow, this sounds like such an emotional read. I love books like that so will definitely keep this one in mind. Great review!

    1. My face hurt from all the smiling I did! There were some emotional aspects to the story, but I loved the relationship between Kyler and Lennon. It wasn't your typical teenage drama, but real life problems that interfered with their relationship, things beyond their control. I really enjoyed how they handled themselves, and the challenges they had to overcome throughout the book. I hope you decide to take a chance on this one soon! <3

  19. Love when a book sticks with me some while after reading it. Happy this was a winner for you.

    1. A new favorite! I'm already looking forward to reading it again. <3

  20. ooooooooh this sounds perfect for me! I love how much you enjoyed this Lindsi. I have a mild form of OCD and soooo relate to stories like these. Thanks for the handy Goodreads link cause I have to add this... Maybe I'll win it too! ❤️

    1. Good luck! It was a truly remarkable read, and I know the story is going to stay with me for a very long time. Every time I see the number 5, I think of Lennon and this book. :)


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless