The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.
My son's first week of school was uneventful, unless you count him getting Strep and passing it on to his sisters. They were all given antibiotics which one of the girls ended up being allergic to. She broke out in hives and couldn't breathe, so we spent some time in the ER. We'd been in the ER previously when my son's temperature was too high and they determined he had Strep, and it would be lovely if my kids would stop scaring me to death. Everyone is feeling better now, but my daughter will be taking Benadryl until her hives are completely gone.
My son's first week of school was uneventful, unless you count him getting Strep and passing it on to his sisters. They were all given antibiotics which one of the girls ended up being allergic to. She broke out in hives and couldn't breathe, so we spent some time in the ER. We'd been in the ER previously when my son's temperature was too high and they determined he had Strep, and it would be lovely if my kids would stop scaring me to death. Everyone is feeling better now, but my daughter will be taking Benadryl until her hives are completely gone.
As for school, the kid doesn't really care for it. He's bored since most of the materials they're covering are things he already knows, and he's not given an opportunity to physically exert himself either. Recess is 15 minutes, and gym is only every other day. I'm going to keep him in public school through December, but then I'm going to seriously consider other options.
With everything going on, I completely forgot to sign my son up for soccer this season. I made a few calls to see if there was any chance I could get him on a team, and something unforeseeable happened. My son was placed on a team (hooray), but I am also coaching that team (uhhh). Apparently, there was a team that had never been assigned a coach (people kept backing out), so the kids hadn't been able to practice yet (made my heart sad), and I volunteered.
Previous week on the blog:
Sunday: Nothing!
Monday: Nothing!
Tuesday: Frankly in Love (Frankly in Love, #1) by David Yoon ⋆⋆
Thursday: Nothing!
Friday: The Girl the Sea Gave Back (Sky in the Deep, #2) by Adrienne Young ⋆⋆⋆
Saturday: Nothing!
What I'm currently reading:
What I'm currently reading:

Touch of Smoke by Karissa Laurel
Transformers: Exodus: The Official History of the War for Cybertron by Alexander C. Irvine
A Study in Scarlet Women (Lady Sherlock, #1) by Sherry Thomas
Touch of Smoke was an unsolicited review that I'm happy I took a chance on! I am thoroughly enjoying the story and the mystery surrounding Rikki's past. The time jumps are interesting, because we see what lead to the event, and what's happening in the present a few years later.
The Transformers book is what I'm reading to the kids before bed at night, and we're all enjoying it! I've always been fascinated by the history of Cybertron, and how Orion Pax became Optimus Prime. I was at the library with the girls when this book snagged my attention, and I immediately grabbed it to take home. I love going to the library! I almost always go home with books that are not on my TBR.
I'm nearly finished with A Study in Scarlet Women (listening to the audio), and will likely finish it today. It's been okay so far, although a lot more interesting now that Charlotte has more freedom to be herself. However, I'm curious if it will work with her potential love interest.
What I plan on reading next:
Six Goodbyes We Never Said by Candace Ganger
Cursed by Thomas Wheeler, Frank Miller (Illustrator)
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett
What I'm watching:
I finally finished the final season of Fairy Tail, and I'm mostly disappointed. Everything felt rushed and there was no closure. They only hint at what might happen in the future, but after all this time... we should have been given specifics and resolutions. In the past, story arcs would last forever, but this season it was all crammed into too few episodes. Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Veronica Mars are two I'm still working through.
Challenge updates:
Audiobook Challenge: 35 / 30+
Beat the Backlist Challenge: 64 / 100
Discussion Challenge: 5 / 11-20
Goodreads Challenge: 298 / 500
Discussion Challenge: 5 / 11-20
Goodreads Challenge: 298 / 500
Good luck with the soccer coaching. So sorry to hear your kids got sick. Poor things.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Practice went well, and the monsters are on the mend! :)
DeleteHeyyyy, Coach! I love it! That's how I eventually became the head of ALL the Girl Scouts in my town. I just wanted my kid to be in a troop, then I was leader, then recruiter, than rep to council, and then service unit director. I know you will do an amazing job with the kids, and how fun for your son to have you guiding him to victory. And, The Goonies is a stupendous name. Sorry to hear you son brought home the germs from school. Now he has been fully initiated into that whole elementary school world.
ReplyDeleteDid you feel tricked into it? I feel like they used my soft heart against me, haha. "What? These kids still don't have a coach? Games are starting next weekend? Here... let me do it!" ;) I just wanted him to play soccer and have an activity to look forward to after school. They seemed to enjoy practice yesterday, so we'll see how the season goes! Hopefully the weather cools down, because I was sweating like crazy. Teaching a team how to work together isn't easy! Thanks! It's one of my favorite movies!! I'm going to buy them little eye patches and give them out after the last game. <3
DeleteWhat a nightmare. At least NOT both your twins turned out to be allergic (which is weird), but I guess the unlucky one is thinking that's SO unfair LOL.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I can picture you coaching your son's team. I mean, you seem like the athletic type to me. Go Goonies!
They might be twins, but they're very different! She's too young to know that it's unfair, but I'm sure it'll come up in the future. ;) I wouldn't mind coaching... if I knew anything about soccer. I had to teach myself the basics over the weekend, and then apply that knowledge at practice yesterday. Additionally, teaching young children how to play a new sport isn't easy. They're... everywhere! But I think they had fun. <3
DeleteYikes. Strep throat. Glad everyone is on the mend. Sorry your son isn’t enjoying kindergarten more. I know my son had the same issues, he was leaps and bounds beyond the other kids. I just had to supplement him at home and give him harder things to read. It will get better once they get all the testing done and the kids placed.
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to supplement him at home, but he's so exhausted after a long day at school. He might be bored, but it's still mentally exhausting! He's also so grumpy when he gets home, haha. He used to taking a nap during the day, so not having one has been an adjustment. I'm not sure they do testing and placing here...
DeleteThe most important thing in beginning soccer to me is showing the kids how to kick level with the ground instead of up. So many injuries from the little ones kicking their feet up in the air while kicking the ball. Dribbling and passing drills are also good. I wouldn't worry much because although it's hard to get parents to volunteer to coach, they sure do have a lot of advice to give on coaching. Ha! ๐
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear the kids are on the mend. ๐✨
I'll be looking out for what you think of The Grace Year. ๐
Have a wonderful new week! ๐
We covered a lot of the basics yesterday at practice... how to properly kick the ball, how to pass it back and forth, etc. How to handle the ball is more important than how far they can kick it, so that's what I'm focusing on. Like you said, I don't want anyone to get hurt! I noticed on my son's team last season, the kids forget who is on their team, which leads to them never passing the ball. I'm trying to familiarize them with their teammates, and also work with them on passing the ball down the field instead of running it down solo. (I spent last weekend Googling how to play soccer and teaching it to small children!) ;)
DeleteRight?? There were a lot of... helpful comments made yesterday. The monsters have improved immensely, and I am so very thankful for that. Sick kids are no fun! Everyone feels rotten, which leaks out in how they interact with each other (and me).
Oh, wow, have fun coaching!! That's great of you to step up for the team like that!
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be interesting, that's for sure! I'm just happy the kids are able to practice now, since games are supposed to start this weekend. Most of them have never played before.
DeleteThe goonies! That's awesome frankly. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking The Grace Year looks kinda fun!
Don't tell anyone, but I'm going to get them all eye patches! It'll be my gift for the team after the last game. ;) I hope The Grace Year lives up to its synopsis!
DeleteWe ended up in the ER this weekend too---no fun at all! I'm glad your daughter is feeling better now; that must have been so scary!! Good luck with coaching soccer---you're such a good mom! :-)
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Anything that requires an ER visit is terrifying! Everyone is feeling better now, and I told them they were never allowed to get sick again. I've reached my quota for the year, haha.
DeleteWe had our first soccer practice yesterday and it was exciting! Also, very exhausting. I didn't realize how much effort coaches have to put in with smaller children. They're learning how to play the game, and its... challenging. ;)
Oh, no. Back to school blues = germs galore. Sigh. Not looking forward to that one. I'm sure it's only a matter of time for my boy. I hope he's feeling heaps better!
ReplyDeleteHappy reading, Lindsi.
My son is still hanging on to his cough, but he no longer has Strep or a fever, which is definitely an improvement. The girls are doing better too, which is lovely. We were all very miserable for about a week. ;)
DeleteOh, Veronica. Let’s talk when you are done!
ReplyDeleteI've already watched it once! I'm re-watching it to see if I catch things I didn't notice the first time. :) I absolutely haaated the ending and thought it was rubbish.
DeleteOh my gosh, what a week. How scary about the antibiotics! Glad everyone is okay. The school sure sounds like it could be improved... a lot. Maybe home schooling is the way to go. Good luck with the coaching! (I know absolutely nothing about soccer - sorry.) Love the team name! LOL
ReplyDeleteIt has definitely been a week! Soccer practice nearly killed me on Monday -- no idea it was so exhausting. I knew it would be work, but damn. They're all new to the sport, so it's a struggle just to get them moving in the same direction. ;)
DeleteSchool is driving me bananas. I've already emailed his teacher twice this week and spoken to the principal, which is annoying. His teacher refuses to tie their shoes if they come untied at school, and instead makes them tuck the laces into the sides. She said it wasn't her job to tie them or teach them how. That's a skill we've been working on, but it's hard to grasp. That's not what I emailed her about, or the reason I spoke to the principal, but ugh.
Hey! I also know absolutely nothing about soccer! However, I did watch a lot of YouTube videos last weekend. <3
AHHH what a week! Good luck and have fun with the coaching <3 Omg I'm so glad your kids are okay! Allergies are SO scary! And it really sounds like Homeschooling would be a better option <3 And sorry I haven't been visiting the blog lately! I was kind of in a blogging slump!
I was hoping this week would be better, but it seems like September is going to be a hard month for me. ;) Coaching is exhausting! I'm actually hoping it rains tomorrow since I'm still recovering from Monday's practice. Allergies are very scary! Homeschooling is seriously being considered at this point. No worries! We all have our blogging ups and downs. <3
DeleteStrep isn't fun! I'm glad everyone is on the mend but sorry to hear one of your daughters was allergic to the antibiotics! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteLol, I'd die if I was accidentally assigned a coaching position. Plus football (I just can't call it soccer) would be my least favourite sport to handle. Lots and lots of luck to you! I hope it's something that turns out to be enjoyable and rewarding. :)
I feel for your little man with school... Mine was bored out his mind in the first couple of years because he was too far ahead of what they were teaching. It's still a problem now but the school has finally got with the programme and just give him additional (and more difficult) worksheets and tasks to complete. I'd have loved to be able to have pulled him out and home schooled him but with working full time it wasn't an option. :( Fingers crossed you find a solution that works for your boy!
Well, we've now established that I have pharyngitis, which is no fun. The kids seem to be doing okay, all things considered. Hopefully I don't give this to them, so I'm keeping my distance. Especially if one is allergic to antibiotics!! Scary stuff.
DeleteMy husband calls it football, too. He says he's "bringing it back" as a term in the US. Weirdo. Right now I'm sick and don't want to coach, but hopefully I'll be feeling better by the next practice. I got lucky and it's been raining all week! Can't play in the rain, right? Right!
Last week I pulled him out of public school and put him in a private one. It's temporary since we're moving in a few months, but a lot can happen in that amount of time. I don't want his school/learning experience to be ruined by this crappy school. If this doesn't work out, I will homeschool him and just make it work. We can try again in a few years.