The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.
Happy Mother's Day! Being a mother has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life, especially right now while we're all stuck at home! I've enjoyed the extra family time we've had, but three-year-old twins and a six-year-old can be exhausting (they have to be properly exercised every day, haha). They just have ALL THIS ENERGY, and we're running out of ways to creatively exert it. We can only walk around the neighborhood so many times! They've been begging to go to a playground, and we've sadly not been able to let them. Despite the restrictions, we've actually had a lot of fun together. We've had time to do a lot of the activities we've put off because of work and school. Board games, movie marathons, puzzles, redoing the garden and yard at our new house, deep cleaning and organizing (I think that one was only fun for me, haha), and Jacob has been able to work on his woodworking projects in the garage. The kids love to "help" him, which usually means hammering nails into the wood he recently pulled nails from. ;)
Jacob goes back to work on Tuesday, so we'll see how that goes. It's definitely going to shake things up around the house! For example, I will be doing my son's Google Meets and online assignments solo while also trying to keep the girls occupied. Normally, one of us will do the homework and sessions, and the other will entertain the girls. We've been switching it up to keep things interesting! ;) I'm don't know what he'll be doing at work right now, but they want to slowly start getting back to normal, and no one really knows what that means.
During one of our walks, the monsters found a nest that had been knocked from its tree, so we brought the babies home. One was already dead inside of the nest, and the other two looked pretty bad. Luckily, they're older and have most of their feathers, so they happily ate the worms and bugs the kids dug up. Yesterday they started moving around more, and it was clear they wanted to be able to hop around, so we placed them in the front yard. After a while, several robins descended to investigate the two fledglings, and it was like they collectively decided to take them under their wings. At one time, five different robins were hopping around and trying to parent the babies. We left them alone, and can only hope for the best. I'm just happy to have them out of the house! All the cheeping! Our cats and dogs were losing their minds.
Sadly, John Prine died recently. IN SPITE OF OURSEVLES is our JAM. Jacob and I love it.
Previous week on the blog:
- Sunday: Seven Endless Forests by April Genevieve Tucholke (★★⋆☆☆) Review
- Monday: NA
- Tuesday: Hello, Summer by Mary Kay Andrews (★★★☆☆) Review
- Wednesday: Can't-Wait Wednesday [89] Post
- Thursday: NA
- Friday: Spark and the League of Ursus by Robert Repino (★★★☆☆) Review
- Saturday: NA
What I'm currently reading:
The Summer Set by Aimee Agresti
Don't Read the Comments by Eric Smith
Chasing Lucky by Jenn Bennett
What I plan on reading next:
Real Men Knit by Kwana Jackson
Breath Like Water by Anna Jarzab
What I'm watching:
We finally caught up on Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, and we're both over it. First, I hate that Simon was having feelings for Zoey while he was engaged, and that Zoey allowed those feelings to grow. She knew he was engaged, so it should have been a no from the start. Second, I dislike how she treats Max. Max has been her best friend for years, and she keeps putting him and his feelings on hold. Why? Because she has lingering affections for Simon? She should have been honest with Max from the start. Third, she's kissing them both and claiming to not know how she feels, and it's gross. However, I did enjoy the songs related to her father, and sobbed like crazy during the last episode. Unfortunately, I don't think it's a show I'll be continuing.
I finally watched all of Afterlife with Jacob, and was surprised by how much I liked it! I'm really looking forward to starting the second season.
Challenge updates:
- Audiobook Challenge 11 / 50+
- Beat the Backlist Challenge 21 / 110
- Discussion Challenge 2 / 1-10
Good luck managing school and the twins. Sounds like a challenge, but remember - I believe in you =)
ReplyDeleteCurious to hear your thoughts on both your TBR books. Knit took a bit too long to get to the romance for me.
Thanks, Sam! <3 I loved having Jacob home to help with everything, but we're managing. I know he hates being back at work after being home for so long, haha. It was nice having him here since he was deployed all of last year. It was like making up for lost time! :)
DeleteI've heard that Real Men Knit is hard to get into, and that the romance is too slow to take shape (like you said), but we'll see! I'm optimistic. I'm starting with Breath Like Water though, because how could I not?? I'll let you know how it is!
Happy Mother's Day! The stay-at-home is such a mixed bag, isn't it? I mean it's nice to have more time but I imagine with little ones it is a huge challenge keeping them occupied/ exercised/ etc!
ReplyDeleteFunny about the robins. Was yesterday and had a baby robin hopping around too- it was kind of just hanging out there while the parents brought it worms. I was surprised how close they got!
Breath Like Water looks good!
Thank you, Greg! It really is! I love having more time, but it's also exhausting. I'm sure I'll look back on this experience with fond memories, or at least I hope so. ;) The trampoline has been a HUGE help, and now we have the garden to help keep them busy (for a little while anyways). The weather is still nice, and we haven't yet felt the heat of summer. Although, I've already purchased a big inflatable pool for the monsters! That should help keep them occupied later. :)
DeleteI'm really looking forward to Breath Like Water, and I've enjoyed seeing all the little babies running around! Birds, rabbits, deer. <3
Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, my husband kept insisting on watching Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. I mean, I guess the music can be fun (and yeah, I sobbed during all the songs related to the father), but I felt like the plot really suffered. It felt like nothing was happening during every episode because every 5 minutes they had to break into song. I felt like she blew off Max for Simon, and then she was kissing Max? I was confused.
Thank you, Angela! Yes! The plot has really suffered in Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. I feel like we've addressed the same things over and over again, just in different ways. The songs also started being more distracting than anything else. They lost some of their meaning and uniqueness when they started happening more often. The love triangle is ANNOYING.
DeleteI'm quite a ways behind on Zoey's. I had things taped, and then we had to get a new box, and I lost what I already taped. Sigh. I'm not loving the whole love triangle thing and Max is just adorable. I do like the show overall though, so we'll see what I think when I get caught up. I hope that everything goes well when your husband is back at work - definitely a lot to handle solo!
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's Day!
You should be able to watch them on Hulu, if you have it! We don't have cable or anything, so that's how we watch all of our shows (Hulu, Netflix, Disney+). I really liked Max at first, but now I'm annoyed with him. I wish he would get over Zoey, since she's clearly stringing him along and hanging out with him for the wrong reasons. She should have been clear and honest from the start, and I think that would have prevented a lot of problems. Also, being interested in an engaged man is bad. You'll have to let me know what you think once you've caught up! :)
DeleteHappy Mother's day! I cannot imagine trying to watch two toddlers while helping another child with school. Yikes! Good luck! How much longer until school is over for your kid?
ReplyDeleteThank you! It's a lot to handle, but we're managing! They're really great kids, and I only have to shush them a few hundred times. ;) He should finish this school year sometime in June. I think? We haven't been given a specific date! We're new to VA, so I'm not familiar with how their school systems work.
DeleteHappy Mother's Day! I hope things go well with your husband going back to work. I am glad you were able to rescue the baby robins and hope their adoptive parents will be good to them. I hope you have a good week. Enjoy your reading and time with your family. Good luck with the schooling! Stay safe and well.
ReplyDeleteThanks! <3 He's not happy being back at work, but understands the necessity and reasoning. He was deployed last year, so we really enjoying having him home for a while. I'm thankful he was able to be home for as long as he was. :)
DeleteDespite all the challenges that this pandemic has brought, it's odd that I've found some good things, too. More time at home, more time spent of doing things together, taking care of projects that had been put off.Silver linings, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to the Jenn Bennett book. It's been too long since I read something from her.
I have to focus on those silver linings or I'll go crazy, haha. More time with family, getting to work on long-overdue projects, trying new things... :) This is actually my second attempt at reading Chasing Lucky, so we'll see! I usually love her books, but the characters were incredibly frustrating. </3
DeleteHAPPY MOTHER'S DAY LINDSI. I can imagine getting all of your kids' energy out is a job within itself.
ReplyDeleteI read Real Men Knit and didn't love it, so I'd be interested in your thoughts.
OKAY WE GOTTA TALK ZOEY'S. I kind of loved it! I'm over the love triangle, but honestly I'm more team Simon than I am Max. I just feel like there is a reason she keeps pushing him away and she needs to acknowledge it. And I definitely sobbed my way through that episode.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, AMBER! How does it feel? How are you and your little one doing? I hope you were able to spend the day relaxing. ;) They have ENDLESS amounts of energy! I wish they'd share with me, haha.
DeleteI've heard a lot of meh things about Real Men Knit, which is why I'm starting with Breath Like Water. :)
UGH. ZOEY'S. The love triangle is so frustrating! I also think everything with Simon has happened too quickly. Like, he definitely should take more time. Also, they're both grieving a loss, and should definitely let that settle first. I think they have helped each other though, so there's that. Her stringing Max along is unnecessary and cruel.
I hope your little monsters made you feel special on Mother's Day, because you clearly deserve it! Managing three of them at that age must be thought...especially with Jacob on duty again. I hope your quarantine gets lifted soon (I mean, if there are the conditions). We're slowly going back to normal here, after two whole months.
ReplyDeleteThey did! I love my monsters, haha. <3 Not having Jacob home has been another adjustment! Now we don't sit down and do all of his schoolwork at once, but I break it up throughout the day. He doesn't have to sit still as long, and the girls don't have to be quiet for long periods of time. We're making it work! I think some of the restrictions have been lifted, but I'm not 100% sure.
DeleteTrying Chasing Lucky again? lol
ReplyDeleteLet me know what you think of Real Men Knit. I had to dnf it :-((
I don't envy you this week having to do all of that alone.
Karen @ For What It's Worth
I'm picking it back up! We'll see how it goes. :) Everyone seems to be struggling with Real Men Knit, which is why I'm starting with Breath Like Water. I'm definitely missing Jacob and having him around. </3
DeleteHappy Mother's Day a bit late. 🌷🌷🌷
ReplyDeleteWe've lost so many musicians lately. It's heartbreaking. 😢
I hope things start to lessen so you can take the Little Monsters to the playground. Thank goodness you have yard space, though. 👍✨
I hope you are having a great week. 🌞
Thank you!
DeleteYes, it is. At least their music will live on! <3
I NEED THEM TO REOPEN THE PLAYGROUNDS (safely, of course). The large yard has definitely helped! When we lived in San Antonio, our yard was TINY. This is an improvement. :)
It'll be in your shoes this week as the professor goes back into the office from Monday... Not looking forward to it! And it'll be so strange with him being gone after 8 weeks of being at home together. :(
ReplyDeleteI watched the first 3 or 4 episodes of Afterlife last year and couldn't stop giggling but then the professors aunt lost her cancer battle and I couldn't finish it. It's one I'll probably pick up again now the second season is out.
It's been weird not having him home! I was used to sharing the daily responsibilities with him (making coffee, meals, school work with our son, child and dog exercise, etc.), and now I'm doing them solo. It's a readjustment, but not something I'm unused to doing. He was deployed most of last year, haha. I'm just happy he's home every evening. <3 We did manage to get a lot done around the house while he was home, so that's a bonus.
DeleteIt's hard to watch a show that touches on issues we're currently dealing with, even if they are humorous. I hope you're able to get back into it, since I think the show is brilliant. :) I'm also sorry for your loss, Nicci. I can't imagine how horrible that was for you both. </3