Thursday, December 9, 2021

State of the ARC [33]

State of the ARC is a monthly meme hosted by Avalinah at Avalinah's Books! It's an opportunity for readers to catch up on their long overdue ARCs, but right now I'm using it to keep up with my upcoming ARCs instead. It helps me stay organized! Edit: State of the ARC is currently being hosted by Sarah (All the Book Blog Names Are Taken) while Evelina is on hiatus.

If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales, Cale Dietrich 
A History of Wild Places by Shea Ernshaw
Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins 
Honor by Thrity Umrigar
How to Love Your Neighbor by Sophie Sullivan
Servant Mage by Kate Elliott

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes
The Roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley, Austin Siegemund-Broka
The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont 
Vladimir by Julia May Jones
Black Girls Must Be Magic (Black Girls Must Die Exhausted, #2) by Jayne Allen
Just Right Jillian by Nicole D. Collier
Red Thread of Fate by Lyn Liao Butler

Bright Ruined Things by Samantha Cohoe 
Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher
Edgewood by Kristen Ciccarelli
Come As You Are: A Novel by Jennifer Haupt
One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle 
Daughter by Kate McLaughlin 
The Suite Spot (Beck Sisters, #2) by Trish Doller

Remember Me by Estelle Laure
Four Aunties and a Wedding (Aunties, #2) by Jesse Q. Sutanto 
This May End Badly by Samantha Markum
Every Summer After by Carley Fortune 
This Vicious Grace (The Lady Finestra, #1) by Emily Thiede
Bend Toward the Sun by Jen Devon 

Better late than never! 🙃 I am s l o w l y catching up on all things blogging related and it feels SO GOOD. Are any of these on your TBR? Let me know which books you're most looking forward to!


  1. So crazy that we have summer ARCs! I read Reckless Girls already and it's very dark! Hope you and your family have a very happy holiday!

    1. I know! Was Reckless Girls dark and good? Haha. I don't mind dark if the story is worth it. :)

  2. I'm still trying to catch up on things myself! Why is it so hard?! Anyway, I really love your falling snow. It's so pretty.

    1. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever completely catch up. I think staying on top of things is the best I can do. ;) Thank you! I had to tweak it a little since the white snow wasn't visible on my blog.

  3. It is crazy how full up my reading schedule already is for the first quarter of 2022. I do look forward to them. I like your idea to post up about your future ARCs to keep them organized.

    1. Right? January - March are already pretty packed for me. Fingers crossed I can read them all on time. <3 This feature has helped me so much with my ARCs! It's a quick and easy reference point whenever I need it. :)

  4. Reckless Girls looks awesome. And the Barnes book I can't WAIT to read.

    1. Dead Silence sounds SO GOOD. If it doesn't work for me, I'll send it your way. :) I'm starting Reckless Girls as soon as I finish Never Saw Me Coming.

    2. How is Never Saw Me Coming?????

    3. It's okay so far. There are a lot of POV's and you get no warning when a new chapter starts. You have to read for a little bit before you figure out who's head you're in. New people keep popping up as well, so it's a little confusing to keep up with who is doing what and where. I also don't like how the author writes one of the perspectives, so there's that. Overall, I'm intrigued by the murderer/psychopath aspect of the story, but it's not really wowing me right now.

  5. wow many things to read! For now I'm on time with my ARCs

    1. Always! What's it like being on time with your ARCs? I feel like a few always slip through the cracks, lol.

  6. You are booked up! And you've got so many good books to read. Enjoy!

  7. I have quite a few of these! Personally, I use Notion to keep track of my ARCs and their status. It's helped me a lot. :)

    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Notion? Definitely going to check that out! Thanks. :)

  8. Dead Silence! I love Kade, in general, but I'm excited for her foray into sci-fi

    And holy crap that's a lot of books!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. I don't know how I feel about reading Dead Silence. 😅 I'm worried it might be too scary for me, lol. I also don't think I've read a book by Kate before, but I do love well-written sci-fi, so I'm giving it a go.

      I know... I'm trying to read them all on time. It's my New Year's Resolution. 🙃

  9. Ooh lots of great books here! I'm really trying to focus on my Netgalley books soon, because I'm a bit behind. LOL If This Gets Out is one that I really want to read!

    Lauren @

    1. I really need to get back on track with my NetGalley books... it's pretty bad. 🙄 I want to go through my physical copies first, because they're taking up space in my house, lol.

  10. I haven't read any of these but we read different books. lol
    A couple of them look good to me though.

    1. That we do. :) Although, I love reading your reviews for the books you read. Some have even piqued my interest. <3

  11. Oh my greatness! You are so well organized! I am very, very impressed and I feel inspired for sure.

    I do plan on being way better organized with the blog and especially ARC's next year. My new blog template is suppose to help me with it, now I just need to figure out how to use it...!!

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

    Elza Reads

    1. I don't always feel organized, but thanks! I did notice your blog had a makeover. I wasn't sure how recent since I've been absent for the last few months. I like it! I hope you're able to figure it out soon. :)

  12. I also have Reckless Girls and I'm looking forward to it. I want to get a copy of The Suite Spot. It sounds lovely! Happy reading!

    1. I hope we both enjoy it! I need a book to really WOW me right now. :)

  13. Wow, what a lineup! I wish I was so organised about mine... maybe I should do that!

    1. This is the best way I've found to keep up with all of my upcoming ARCs. Otherwise everything feels too scattered and I'm worried books will fall through the cracks (or be forgotten about completely). If you decide to join, I'd love to see what you've got lined up to read. <3

  14. Too many comics and too little time. I'm your new follower and I invite you to my blog if you want to.
    Thanks and have a nice day.

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and I'd love to check out your blog. :) I agree with you 100%. There's just not enough time in the day to do all of the reading that I want to do. I've had to cut back on my weekly comics because they were starting to pile up. 😅

  15. I have 2 ARC's that I still have to read soon.

    1. Hopefully you've started at least one of them by now! I wish I only had two left to read, haha. I have soooo much catching up to do. :)

  16. Replies
    1. The synopsis makes it sound like it's going to be really good! Have you read other books by the author? Did you like them?

  17. I want to read the Roughest Draft. So many good books. Enjoy.

  18. Oh wow, you are so prepared! This is amazing! I just use the to-do app and have them in order by date but now I'm thinking I better go check because I may be missing some eeps. This is so pretty ♥, I love it!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. Thanks! I've tried using apps on my phone, but I always forget they're there, lol. This post is easy to refer back to, and I like adding links to my reviews once I've read them. <3


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless