Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Sunday Post [67]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.


Ahhh, it's so good to be blogging again! I've been consistently carving out time for it and it's made me ridiculously happy this week. I've met a couple of new bloggers and started following a lot of you on Bloglovin'. If you like my blog and content, please interact! Books are so much better when you have people to share them with.

We recently moved to Colorado! Its been a few months and we've settled in for the most part. The kids really like their new school and I'm enjoying my new job. They've had so much fun playing in the snow (we've never lived anywhere with snow before), and get so excited when there's enough for them to go sledding or tubing down the hill by our house. We're currently experiencing an artic storm and I could do without the negative temperatures. 🥶

We also have chickens now! As luck would have it, we ended up with seven hens and one rooster. It's so hard to tell what they'll be as baby chicks, so I'm definitely happy with how things turned out. We have two Rhode Island Reds, two Mystic Onyx, two Olive Eggers, and two Assorted Sapphires. For those of you who have seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, our rooster's name is Iroh. We weren't expecting eggs until the spring, but we've gotten several in the last week or so.

The hens are named Sarai, Clementine, Fire, Bellatrix, Luna, and The Acorns (they were two similar as chicks to tell them apart, but they also looked like acorns, lol). One of the acorns we now call "mohawk" because she has a little mohawk on the top of her head. 

Previous Week on the Blog:

Sunday: 💫
Saturday: 💫

What I'm Currently Reading:
🎧 Lightlark (Lightlark, #1) by Alex Aster
A Language of Dragons by S.F. Williamson
Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier

I'm about halfway finished with the audiobook for Lightlark and I'm really enjoying it so far! I definitely still have questions, but I'm hoping those get answered before the end. I'm 10% into A Language of Dragons and I'm not sure I'm going to like the MC. This one is an ARC I'm reading on my Kindle. Things We Do in the Dark is my Book club book that I need to finish asap (which I'm also not very far in 🫣). 

What I Plan on Reading Next:
She Doesn't Have a Clue by Jenny Elder Moke
The Encanto's Daughter (The Encanto's Daughter, #1) by Melissa de la Cruz

What I'm Watching: 

I'm still watching One Piece and I'm currently in the Wano Country Arc. I plan on Starting Demon Slayer soon! I finished Goblin Slayer but it was a little too dark when it came to the content and what the goblins wanted women for. 

Challenge Updates:
I'm setting my Physical TBR and NetGalley goals to 50! I hope I'm able to make a dent in both this year.


  1. Happy to hear you're enjoying Colorado, your new job and the snow! I moved to Northern California almost 3 years ago now and we get snow as well, and the seasons! I was so happy to have that change from Southern California. How exciting you have chickens! I would love to have chickens, but my husband thinks it's too much work. We'll see, maybe someday. We do travel quite a bit so that would be an issue, but we have to have a house sitter when we leave anyhow, so maybe it could work.

    I also have She Doesn't Have a Clue and hope to start it today or tomorrow. Hope we both love it, Lindsi!

    1. It is nice to have very defined seasons, lol. I was worried about how much work chickens would be, but they're relatively easy to care for. Once my husband built their coop and run it got even easier. They just started giving us eggs also, which is nice with how expensive they've gotten.

      Yay! I'm actually about to sit down with it right now. :)

  2. Goodluck with your TBR and Net Galley Goals. We have been in Ohio for just a little over two years, but this is our first "True" Ohio winter, we've had snow on the ground for 19 straight days, it is snowing as I type this and we will have negative temps early this week. It does take some time to get used to it. Have a great week!

    1. My husband has family in Ohio! I have winter clothes, but nothing that makes -5 degrees feel manageable, lol. I had to move the trash bins and it hurt to breathe. 😅 I'm sure we'll get used to it eventually, but it's definitely been a shock for all of us this year!

  3. Hey stranger! M niece and the adorable grand nephew live in Colorado. Glad to hear the move is going pretty well with school and jobs. How exciting you have chickens!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Hi Anne!! It's so good to see you're still around. :)

      If you visit Colorado, let me know! Maybe they live close and we could meet up for coffee or brunch. The chickens have been an absolute delight! We've all gotten really attached to them.

  4. That was a big move. I am glad to hear the kids did well and are enjoying the winter weather. I hate it! It's snowing right now (can't you see my tears?) Chickens. That's fun.

    1. My tears have frozen on my face. 😜 Driving from Virginia to Colorado with three kids, four dogs, three cats, ALL of our household goods (that's its own story), and my car on a trailer behind the U-Haul, and me driving Jacob's truck... it's something I never wish to repeat. Even stopping for gas, food, potty breaks, hotels, etc. was a challenge. I think it took me a whole month to recover, lol.

  5. Oh nice! Congrats on the move! Glad you're settling in nicely and enjoying snow! I live in the Midwest so snow is a semi regular winter occurrence! Although we never seem to have enough plows despite of this. Lol.

    Hope you enjoy your reads for the week! My wrap-up post will be up tomorrow if you wanted to stop by then.

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. The snow is pretty to look at, but I'm so cold. 🥶 It also gets so icy before it melts and I slide down the driveway trying to get into my car, lol. It's definitely been an adjustment. My southern self has to acclimate!!

  6. It sounds like you're all enjoying Colorado (negative temps notwithstanding)! Also, chickens? That's fun. (I had to chuckle at "The Acorns" least one of them grew a mohawk, right? 😂).

    Glad you're back in full swing, and I hope you'll be able to keep blogging in the middle of your multiple activities (what's your new job, by the way?).

    1. We are! The chickens have been really great. We're all loving them and enjoy watching their shenanigans. I've been doing loan processing work from home. :)

  7. Almost a new life. Colorado, first snow and chickens. I also will be reading Encanto's Daughter soon. I hope we both enjoy it.

    1. Hah! It definitely feels like it. I like Melissa de le Cruz so I have high hopes for it.

  8. Congratulations on your new chickens! They have awesome names.

  9. Love your chicken names! Also, I love your blog with the cool font and falling snow. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thank you! We let the kids name most of them. My blog has taken a lot of time and energy, so I really appreciate the compliment. ❤️ Kate at Waffley Cute Designs gets credit for the design though. I just told her what I wanted and sent samples, lol.

  10. Congratulations on the move! Sounds like everyone is settling in nicely. It has been rather cold in the Midwest, hoping that it warms up pretty soon. I’ll take anything about freezing. The book of reading next both look really good. I hope you’re having a wonderful week!

    1. We had more snow today. 🥶 Thankfully it's already melting and we should have weather in the 60's this weekend! I hope your week has been wonderful. :)

  11. I had to go back and see when you came back :) And put you back on feedly :)


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless