This week's topic: Bookish Goals for 20251. Read at least one book a week (52 books for the year). I used to read hundreds of books every year, but then I had kids and they require a significant amount of time and energy. My husband also likes seeing my face and interacting with me instead of the backs of my books. ๐
2. Get my NetGalley ratio up to 85%. My NetGalley ratio has been garbage for a few years now because I see something and immediately request or accept it. I need to catch up on what I already have before taking on anything else. My plate overfloweth.
3. Read the physical books on my TBR that are currently just shelf trophies. I am really bad about seeing a book and buying it on a whim and then never picking it up again. In my defense, they look amazing on my bookshelves and I don't want to disturb them. Honestly though... I need to make them more of a priority so I can donate the ones that I don't like and clear up some shelf space.
4. Be a more active blogger. I have missed blogging so, so much, and I want to make it more of a priority this year. I'm hoping for a minimum of two posts a week. ๐ค
4. Be a more active blogger. I have missed blogging so, so much, and I want to make it more of a priority this year. I'm hoping for a minimum of two posts a week. ๐ค
5. Review the books I've already read. During my blogging hiatus I read a lot of books that never got reviewed. I have them marked on my Goodreads and want to make sure I take the time to review them this year and get caught back up.
6. Read more nonfiction. I don't dislike nonfiction, but it's not my go-to whenever I pick up a new book. However, there are several that I want to read and conveniently already own, so there's no reason for me not to. I keep telling myself I'm not in the right headspace or mood for them, but now I think it's more of an excuse to skip them for something else that's "exciting" or fantastical.
7. Finish series I've started and forgotten about. I know we've all probably done this... where we've started a series and then just forgot to finish it. Or maybe the next book wasn't out yet and then we never went back to it. I want to track down those forgotten series and finish them.
8. Prioritize my Book Club book. Some friends and I have been in a Book Club for a few months now, and I always seem to put the Book Club book on the backburner, even when it's a book I've recommended. It's like as soon as I have to read a book, I no longer want to.
9. Keep a reading journal to help with reviews. If I don't immediately review a book after I finish reading it, all of my key points and thoughts go out the window. I want to be better about journaling and writing down my thoughts as I have them in order to write better and more specific reviews.
10. Engage more in the book blogging community. It made me sad when I realized a lot of people I used to blog with no longer have active accounts. I want to engage more and make new friends and form new relationships with the people in the community now. (If that's you, let's be friends!)
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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless