Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Sunday Post [70]


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.


My son has been sick the last few days, so we went to Urgent Care and they gave him antibiotics. I really hope he starts feeling better soon. 🀞🏼 There's definitely something going around. Even my friends back in Virginia are dealing with it with their families. I know a few of you have also mentioned being sick this week, so I hope you feel better soon!

We're supposed to get more snow this week. We had warm weather for a few days (Fake Spring), and now were back in the teens and dealing with slushy ice on the roads. *cries Texas tears* It's really beautiful when it's coming down, and I love the fresh snow, but from the safety of my home. I stop thinking it's pretty when I have to drive in it, or when it melts and turns my backyard into a giant mud pit. The dogs track it in and I have to wipe all their paws down or risk my rugs and furniture. 

On a more positive note, my husband and I joined a volleyball team and we start playing this week! I'm really excited to have an adult activity to do with other adults that isn't work, lol. It will also be good to get out and do something active since this cold weather makes me want to hibernate. I need to find time to practice because it's been a few years. πŸ˜…

A big congratulations to Yvonne over at Socrates' Book Reviews for winning my Boys in the Valley by Philip Francassi ARC Giveaway!

Previous Week on the Blog:

Monday: πŸ’«
Thursday: πŸ’«
Saturday: πŸ’«

What I'm Currently Reading:
The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon
🎧 Murder at Haven's Rock (Haven's Rock, #1) by Kelley Armstrong

I should finish The Ex Talk soon! I've really enjoyed the back and forth between Shay and Dominic. I'm still waiting on the other shoe to drop, or the conflict to happen, but so far it's been believable and super cute. I need to get through the first two books in the Haven's Rock series by Kelley Armstrong since I have the third one on NetGalley coming up.

What I Plan on Reading Next:
The Boy Who Cried Bear (Haven's Rock, #2) by Kelley Armstrong
Cold as Hell (Haven's Rock, #3) by Kelley Armstrong

What I'm Watching:

Challenge Updates:
I'm setting my Physical TBR and NetGalley goals to 50! I hope I'm able to make a dent in both this year.


  1. I need to get back to reading books by Kelley Armstrong. I have only read two books in the Rockton series and the first book in the Rip Through Time series.

    I hope your son is feeling better.

    1. I love her books so much! I've read her Darkest Powers and Age of Legends series and really enjoyed them both. :)

      Thank you! The antibiotics seem to be helping.

  2. We had this outbreak of mycoplasma in the area and I can not be sure but my kid had a high fever for 10 days. Sigh. Everyone had it in the end. I hope he feels better. Always so much stuff going around in winter

    1. 10 days!? We're on day 6 but the antibiotics seem to be helping. I'm trying to keep him away from his sisters, but it's so hard. I've been cleaning nonstop.

  3. I agree with you. Snow is great if you don't have to get anywhere. I hate it! Sorry to hear your son is under the weather. I hope the meds are helping. People up here are getting the flu, so that is something I would like to avoid for sure. Yeah for volleyball! Sounds like a fun way to spend time with your husband.

    1. Right now I'm consoling myself by reading about warm places, lol. Attached at the Hip was on a beach in Fiji. The antibiotics are helping and he seems to have a little energy back. 🀞🏼 I'm just trying to keep everyone else from getting whatever he has. We're going to miss tonight's game because my son's still not feeling well and I don't want to drive in the snow. Hopefully next week we can go!

  4. It's tough when you have sick kids. I hope your son gets better quickly! Winter can feel longer when you have to deal with elements you're not used to. It was a change for me moving from Southern California to Northern California, but I don't think we get as much snow as you do. We do get it, but we get more rain. Lots and lots of rain! We only have a little over a month left of winter though! Hope you have fun with your volleyball team!

    I loved The Rockton series and now the new spinoff, Haven's Rock. Did you read any of the Rockton? I feel like it has much needed background. Hope you enjoy them!

    1. It's definitely been an adjustment! We're surviving. My son is doing better with the antibiotics, but one of my girls woke up not feeling well today. πŸ˜” Spring cannot come soon enough, lol.

      I haven't read the Rockton series! I'm really glad you mentioned it. I'm not sure if I'll have time to read it before the Haven's Rock series, but I can definitely add it to the TBR. Bummer I'll miss the background information though.

  5. I just saw Cold as Hell on another blog...I think I may have to start the series!

  6. I hope by now your son is better. Volleyball sounds fun! Great job on your challenges!

    1. He is! Thank you. We celebrated his birthday yesterday.


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless