Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Sunday Post [71]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.

My son is finally feeling better! All of his tests came back negative, so the doctor said to stop giving him the antibiotics they'd prescribed as a precaution. I hate that we still don't know what it was, but we were told to let it run its course and alternate medication for his fever as needed. Whatever it was, it was awful. I hope everyone is managing to stay healthy! 

It snowed a ridiculous amount on Saturday. I had to drive to work in the middle of it and my anxiety was through the roof. It was so hard to see where I was going. 😭 Pictures were taken while I was stopped due to an accident up ahead.

The yard had finally dried up and now everything is wet again. We rotate through a lot of towels by the doors. 😣 It's a struggle to keep the floors clean with the dogs and kids going in and out. My daughter has also convinced her father to buy her treats so she can try and train the rooster (Iroh) to do tricks. We'll see how that goes, lol. She's out there with them constantly wanting to hold them and see if they've left any eggs for her to bring inside. She's our farm girl for sure.

My husband and I actually got to go on a date this year for Valentine's Day! We went to a church service, tried a coffee house, and spent over an hour at a bookstore while the kids were in school. It was lovely! At the coffee house I tried something called the Rose London Fog. It was Front Porch tea, rose syrup and milk. I thought it was really good, but my husband said it tasted like soap. πŸ˜…

I also received two new books this week for review and I'm really excited about both! Anji Kills a King by Evan Leikam and I Am Made of Death by Kelly Andrew (deaf representation and written by a deaf author). It's the first book mail I've gotten since we moved. I'm really trying to stay on top of my review books this year!

Previous Week on the Blog:

Monday: πŸ’«
Wednesday: πŸ’«
Friday: πŸ’«

What I'm Currently Reading:
The Otherwhere Post by Emily J. Taylor
🎧 Murder at Haven's Rock (Haven's Rock, #1) by Kelley Armstrong

I'm really excited about reading both of these this week! Murder at Haven's Rock started off with a bang, and I'm curious how it's going to tie into the rest of the story. Someone said I needed to read the Rockton series to better understand this one, so I'm hoping I'm not too lost! I've already committed. πŸ˜…

What I Plan on Reading Next:
The Boy Who Cried Bear (Haven's Rock, #2) by Kelley Armstrong
Cold as Hell (Haven's Rock, #3) by Kelley Armstrong

What I'm Watching:

Challenge Updates:
I'm setting my Physical TBR and NetGalley goals to 50! I hope I'm able to make a dent in both this year.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It was a rough few weeks for sure. Yesterday was his birthday and he actually got to enjoy it.

  2. Glad to hear your son is feeling better! I can relate about being super anxious driving through the snow - and from those pictures I think it was definitely a scary ride so glad you got through that okay. Hope you have a great week!

    1. It was so scary. 😭 And thank you! I'm so glad he's finally feeling better.

  3. I am glad he is better 😊
    I hate driving in new snow or a storm so I hear ya. Of course being Finnish I would not even think of that as a lot, sorry!

    1. Thank you! LOL, I'm from Texas, so this is a lot for me. πŸ˜‚ I also have no problem with the snow itself, I just don't want to drive in it, and when it melts it's a hassle. How much do you typically get?

  4. How nice that you got to go on a Valentine's date. I agree with your husband though, flower stuff in food makes it taste like soap though it's great that you were happy. Snow is the worst! You did well navigating that mess.

    1. It was so nice! We rarely get to go anywhere without the kids. We've had weather in the mid-sixties all week and it's been AMAZING. Someone said it's supposed to snow in a few days though. πŸ₯² We've been soaking up the sunshine all weekend.

  5. Sorry about your son. The Royals had the flu and Hazel got the norovirus, which was awful too.

    1. He's feeling much better now! If the girls can get over the coughs, I'm hoping we'll say healthy for awhile. I need a break. πŸ˜… I hope yours are feeling better as well. The flu and norovirus are no joke.

  6. Yes, driving in the snow isn't fun! Happy to hear your son is feeling better and on the mend! I know Influenza A and the Norovirus have been going around! I love the Haven's Rock and Rockton series! Hope you enjoy the stories!

    1. There's so much sickness going around. I need sunshine and warm weather to compensate. I'm really enjoying Murder at Haven's Rock! I'm about halfway through it.

  7. I'm glad your son is feeling better! I also hate driving in the snow. It stresses me out so bad.

    1. SAME. I think we need to settle somewhere where snow isn't such a regular occurrence, lol.


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless