Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Sunday Post [72]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.


The weather has been SO AMAZING this week! It's been in the mid-sixties for days. My phone says we're supposed to get more snow in, like, two days, but I'm hoping it's a weird cosmic joke and we can officially say spring is here to stay (please please please).

Aside from some coughing, our household is on the mend! I really, really hope it's the end and no one gets sick for awhile. I need a break. Mom duties have been in overdrive for like a month. Since the weather's been so nice, I've been airing out the house, washing sheets, and sanitizing everything. Begone germs!

I didn't post much on the blog this past week, but I've been reading a lot! Work has been a little crazy, so I'm hoping to have a normal, more chill week this week. 

Previous Posts on the Blog:

What I'm Currently Reading:
I Am Made of Death by Kelly Andrew
🎧 Murder at Haven's Rock (Haven's Rock, #1) by Kelley Armstrong

What I Plan on Reading Next:
Broken Country by Clare Leslie Hall
When the Bones Sing by Ginny Myers Sain

What I'm Watching:

There are FINALLY more dubbed Blue Lock episodes! I feel like it's been months since we've watched this show. This is one we've been watching with the kids, and we all really enjoy it. It was age appropriate until Ryusei Shidou showed up. His comments are almost always vulgar and shouldn't be repeated. Thankfully, they've been going over my kids' heads, but I wish this show had stayed clean for their benefit. It just seems unnecessary. The gif is Oliver Aiku and he's one of my faves!

Challenge Updates:
I'm setting my Physical TBR and NetGalley goals to 50! I hope I'm able to make a dent in both this year.


  1. We had weather in the 60s all week too, and today it's snowing! Welcome to spring, I guess? I want to start the Haven's Rock series too, enjoy😁

  2. It’s supposed to rain in St. Louis but my sister who lives in Kansas City says they’re getting snow. No thanks! I’m glad to hear that people are getting better at your house. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. I hope you get a break soon, between Mom-ing and working! I'm impressed by how many books you've read for your reading challenges already!

  4. We had 70's all week and now we are in the 60's this week. It was really windy yesterday. Hope you are all feeling better.

  5. Loving your haul. Yes, after a week of warm days, we have a snowstorm in the forecast this week as well. I am desperate for spring.

  6. "Begone germs" LOL. I hope the snow doesn't bring a fresh wave of sickness with you deserve a break and some blogging time!

  7. It's been like spring here too! I hope you escape the snow.

  8. You can read 50 of your own books! I set my goal at 48 for the TBR challenge, but I hope to blow it out of the water. I have already read a decent amount for my goal. I haven't looked at the weather to see if we are supposed to get snow or not, it is 39 here but the sun was out most of the day, so it felt nice. I am glad you all are on the mend! Have a great week!

  9. Your weather sounds nice. I hope it doesn't snow. I'm glad that everyone is feeling better. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  10. I'm glad your weather has been that nice, I hope the snow is just flurries. It's been a long winter! Enjoy your books, they look good especially the Kelly Andrew one. Enjoy the Blue Lock episodes!

  11. I’m glad you’re feeling better! Today’s high was 2 Celsius (36 Fahrenheit) in Toronto which is much warmer than it was even a few days ago. I can’t wait until we hit the 60s F, too!

  12. Last week was beautiful weather here as well! I will be reading I Am Made of Death soon as well. I had the stuffed up head last week and today it's turned into a bit of coughing. Hoping it goes quick. Oh yeah, what did you mean by my "blogger" link still going to my old blog? Not sure which link that is? But I definitely want to get it fixed.

  13. All four of these books are on my TBR. Looking forward to hear what you think about them. It has been very cold here.. really looking forward to some warmer temps.

  14. The weather has been amazing here too, but we have a chance of tornadoes tomorrow. That’s just living in the south though. You never know what you’ll get from day to day. LOL.

  15. Happy to hear you've had a break from the winter weather with some wonderful temps and that you're family is getting better! Spring is just around the corner!

  16. I loved fake spring last week, then a cold front blew in. It's not been too bad though, and we have no snow in our forecast (thank goodness!) Hope you have a great week

  17. I'm so happy to hear everyone is feeling better and the weather is starting to look better too!

  18. Glad everyone is feeling better. Eleanor and I have had this stupid, lingering cough from being sick a month ago. So, we still sound sick even though we are fine. It's annoying.


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless