Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Sunday Post [73]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer! It's an opportunity to share news, post a recap for the previous week, showcase books, and highlight what's planned for the week ahead.


I finally made it to Spring Break! I haven't gotten a lot of reading done lately, but I'm hoping to make up for it this week. I have a couple of ARCs I need to knock out for April, but then I'm going to tackle my physical TBR. I've also been going through audiobooks pretty quickly, but now I need to review them. 

The weather has been wonderful, the kids are feeling better, and I went out on a friend date this weekend. We got drinks, ate amazing food, and then went to the thrift store for a bit afterwards. It was amazing! Our husbands entertained the kids at the park and then took them for pizza, so everyone was happy. 

Soccer season is starting, which means I'll have a lot of afternoons to myself (crazy, I know). I also like to listen to audiobooks when I go to practices and games, since it doesn't take away from watching my kids play. However, once the mosquitos start coming out, it's less enjoyable. 

Previous Posts on the Blog:

What I'm Currently Reading:
The Sirens by Emilia Hart
🎧 A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher

What I Plan on Reading Next:
Where Shadows Meet (Where Shadows Meet, #1) by Patrice Caldwell (4/1)
The Notorious Virtues (The Notorious Virtues, #1) by Alwyn Hamilton (4/1)

What I'm Watching:
I'm planning on starting Demon Slayer this week! I've heard really great things about it. 

Challenge Updates:
I'm setting my Physical TBR and NetGalley goals to 50! I hope I'm able to make a dent in both this year.


  1. The Sirens looks interesting!

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Enjoy your new books!

  3. I hope you get all the time to read! Sounds like a nice weekend. You’re doing good with your challenges.

  4. That friend date sounds so fun! I'm glad you were able to do that. Also, A Sorceress Comes to Call is on my TBR! I'll have to check back on your blog once you finish it to hear your thoughts :)

  5. "I've also been going through audiobooks pretty quickly, but now I need to review them."
    I know the feeling...I read so fast, then I get down to write the review and eons pass LOL.

    Yay for having lots of afternoons to yourself!

  6. Yay for spring break! I love audiobooks! You commented on my post that you would like a good hockey romance, have you tried Emma St. Clair's Appies series? Just don't fall is the first book and her narrators are great.

  7. Yay for spring break - hope you'll get to enjoy some reading time! :)

  8. Mosquites booo. Luckily not yet here

  9. Glad everyone is feeling well! Audiobooks are a great way to watch the kids and be doubly entertained! Mosquitos love me, but I hate them! I use a lotion bar that really helps keep them away. A friend bought it while on vacation in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and she let me try it out. It's from a shop called Mountain Madness and I've ordered a bunch online since then. Sounds like you're getting a lot of great reading in! Have a wonderful week!

  10. I wish audiobooks were available (downloaded to my phone) back when my kid had all those rehearsals. Great use of time. So glad to hear you had some "me" time. Sounds like a fun day! Catching up on reviews is no fun. I am avoiding a bunch of amazing library reads that need to be reviewed at the moment.

  11. We don't really have mosquitos out here. It's glorious lol


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless